FAO SPD sufferers


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2006
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has anyone on here had/ or got symphisis pubis dysfunction?

ive had bad pains in my hips for quite a while now, especially when ive been sat down, im in considerable pain when i stand up and really limp as its so painful, told midwife and she said its just ligaments

2 days ago though woke up to turn over in middle of night and ive now got a grinding feeling in my pelvic bone, and also can feel a grinding feeling in my hips when i walk :think:

is this just ligaments as the midwife says or could it possibly be SPD? im going to see GP on wednesday as im in quite a lot of pain with it and want to know what will help relieve it..... ive noticed that if i keep my knees together when i turn on a night its a lot less painful.... also cant open my legs as far as i could a week or so ago as the pain gets too much :(
it defo soundslike SPD to me hun :hug:
just a shame your MW didnt refer you to teh physio straight away!! maybe the support belt would help you, i couldnt egt one because they were far to big for my bump so i was handed some tubagrip wich i thought was far too tight :shock:

i was told i had to measure how far i could open my legs every few days incase i went into labour and take the measurements with me but when the day came it wasnt painfull anymore :? but maybe my pain was just because i had never went full term with my first baby

Hope it gets better soon
I have SPD and it does sound like you have, most of my pain is at night in my pubic bone and im in agony when ever I try and move.

I would tell your midwife again so that she can send you to see a physician :hug:
Yep sounds like SPD>.... I have had this since about 24 weeks and it has been agony! recently the worse thing is turning over in bed like Tasha says but also if I have been sat for a while then it is so painful standing up. My MW didn't seem too concerned over it and the hospital has said they will refer me to a physio but so far I have not had an appointment! Less than 20 days to go before my due date!!! :shock:

The thing I have found to ease the pain is to sleep with a pillow in between your knees and take paracetomol before you go to sleep. I am also in the bath all the time as it is the only place that relieves the pain completley.
been to day assessment today and theyve confirmed ive got SPD theyre referring me to physio and ive gotta rest as much as poss, and if it gets unbearable theyll look at inducing me between 36-38wks :(
This is what the midwife said to me too.... I have found though that resting makes it hurt more!!!! Don't know what the answer is though as we are all individuals nad have a differing levels of pain thresholds..... I think for me I will put up with it until baby has " cooked" for long enough!!

Don't forget you can take pain killers.. my consultant prescribed co-codamols to help with the pain. If you don't want to take these paracetomols may just take the edge off....
SPD sounds nasty ladies..thinking of you all and lotsa :hug:
Lyndsey said:
This is what the midwife said to me too.... I have found though that resting makes it hurt more!!!! Don't know what the answer is though as we are all individuals nad have a differing levels of pain thresholds..... I think for me I will put up with it until baby has " cooked" for long enough!!

Don't forget you can take pain killers.. my consultant prescribed co-codamols to help with the pain. If you don't want to take these paracetomols may just take the edge off....

well the doctor said i can take codeine but didnt give me a prescription for it, i find that when im sat down for a long time when i stand up i can hardly walk, but walking hurts loads too :twisted: i really dont want to be induced again as was induced with previous pregnancy and really hated it, depends how much pain im in i guess :roll:
hi hun i been getting the same pains since 16 weeks :( my midwife said it was just ligaments but when i told the consultant she said it sounded like spd and has referred me for a physio consult to be fitted with a belly brace not even sure what 1 is but i hope they hurry with my appointment my pelvic bones actually crunch when i try to turn over in bed or walk up the stairs its really painful :( xxxx

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