SPD advice


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2011
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hi ladies

anyone got spd?
ive had a pain in the front of my pelvis for about 3/4 weeks and its getting worse.
obv with easter docs are closed and hate going the wall in. been taking paracetamol but not even touching it now.
ive got mid wife in the morning so gonna ask her advice but only when im in the bath eases the pain.
it hurts even more when i move, and morning/getting out of bed/ getting off sofa/ getting up from chair KILLS.

ive tried sleeping with pillow between legs and oh my god that was worse in the morning, all i wanna do i sleep in my front or back but cant.

any advice to get me threw today and tonight, allready balled my eyes out crying cause of the pain. even hurts to drive to work. :(

do u think midwife will let me take stronger pain killers?

any advice i welcome.
Ohhhh I I'm in a very similar boat- midwife can refer you to physio and you can get a band to help- but but the time your referred I don't know how much it will help.... I declined but am having second thoughts as its getting so much worse, so may mention it to the midwife!

the doctor can prescribe you co codamol i believe which may help a little-

I'm not dealing well with it at the moment but I try not to go to bed until I am so exhausted I can't keep my eyes open (climbing the stairs is a whole other matter) and then I squirm in bed like a snake- normally crying to my OH that its so sore- sometimes it helps to put a pillow in the small of my back then hubby lays next to it to stop it moving- that pressure sometimes helps, as for pillow between my legs - sometimes it works other times I swear it makes it so much worse :(

I'm sorry I can't help and have just rambled but your not alone in your pain and suffering... thats something right?! I hope we both manage a good nights sleep tonight (however doubtful!) :nap:

Hi I have it and have had some physio. Got a leaflet from physio about do's and dont's with some exercises to do

If you want to pm me your email addresses I can send you a copy over x
oh beckyboo yes please. i will pm u my email.

and furbaby i swear the pillow between my legs at night was worse the pain in the morning hurt sooo much more.

good job at the mo im sitting at work, but working in a bridal shop means when i get customers im on my feet min 30mins to 3 hrs. i wasnt gonna take mat leave until week b4 but if this is gonna get worse i might have to.
My spd wasn't recognised by the mw's til I was 39 weeks and by then, combined with other things I was in so much pain a lot of the time I couldn't speak let alone lie down/sit down/stand up. My chiropractor was the only one who helped me but getting to full term he couldn't treat it that well because of the pressure on my bump.

When you see the mw make sure you get through to her how much pain you are in. Don't use a birthing ball and try not to open your knees any further than the size of your fist, this is in proportion to your pubic bone apparently. Try and use your knees rather than your back and pelvis to stand up etc, you'll look wonky and like you've crapped yourself but it's less painful.

If you are prescribed codeine make sure you get a laxative as well cos it will bung you up and give you something else to agonise over.

Hope you all find some relief. If it's any consolation mine has completely disappeared since giving birth although it can linger for a time xxxxxxxxx
yer got midwife in the morning gonna talk to her then. feeling down and crapy cause of the pain and hubby dosnt help my leaning on me when on the sofa...(spoilt mummys boy) i cant lean on him but hes always on me, kept shouting at him lastnight.
I suffered horrendous with it and still am. I'm awaiting a post pregnancy physio appt as its still so bad. They can give you codeine to take with paracetamol.
I had the physio in pregnancy but it didn't help and tbh neither did the codeine just made me feel sick.
I have started to get really bad with it too. Phoned up the docs and all he did was prescribe co codamol! Even when I mentioned it to my midwife she didn't really listen either :wall: sometimes I find the pillow between my knees helps like ast night, but for my nap this afternoon I have woken up in agony for using the pillow! Not really found much that helps stop it hurting as such yet though :( I looked like a right idiot hobbling through town earlier to the docs, had lil old grannies using walking sticks overtaking me :blush: xxx
I agree there's not much you can do to make it better, but my physio gave me crutches when the pain got so bad I was struggling to walk in he evenings. I don't use them all the time but it's really good having them there when I need them. The leaflet I got, which may or may not be the same one beckyboo has, is really good (if not a bit scary when it tells you how bad it can get!!) and is here: http://www.csp.org.uk/sites/files/csp/secure/acpwh-pgphp_0.pdf xx
Wow leesey that is a detailed leaflet. The images are useful cos I find it hard to describe where the pain is to some people, other than in there pointing to my inner thighs and food area lol Does get u some weird looks :) xx
I've had it both times round, it really is awful :( I'm glad it isn't just me though who finds the pillow between the knees uncomfortable.

To be honest there wasn't a lot that helped me, though a friend of mine swore by putting something cold on her pelvis so maybe that's worth a try?
Going to be fun pointing out where mine hurts looks rude. Will have a read of that leaflet.
Wow leesey that is a detailed leaflet. The images are useful cos I find it hard to describe where the pain is to some people, other than in there pointing to my inner thighs and food area lol Does get u some weird looks :) xx

Your food area kanga? You and your bloody phone typos tonight :p xx
Wow leesey that is a detailed leaflet. The images are useful cos I find it hard to describe where the pain is to some people, other than in there pointing to my inner thighs and food area lol Does get u some weird looks :) xx

Your food area kanga? You and your bloody phone typos tonight :p xx

:rofl: yesterday was a bad day! Lol I hurt so much, it was stopping me from concentrating! Least I hope so anyway! I meant foof area, but I'm sure people understood :D haha xxx
yep ive got spd. being refered for physio.
also go high blood preassure.
also cant get a doc appointment for stronger pain killers. grrrrrrrrrrrr
fed up now.

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