FAO: cervical mucus experts (contains tmi!)


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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hey girls
was just wndering if anyone could help me with a CM and ov problem. im not even TTC until about August but i want to take a note of my cycle length, CM etc. to find out roughly when i ov every month. Ok so this is the problem.
Since ive been tracking my CM I started to get more on day 12 of my cycle up until day 20, then day 21 and 22 i was 'dry' but today (day 23) i got more CM :think: . So now im confused does that mean iv'e ov or could it mean that i realised two eggs this cycle?
Does anyone have an explanation to what has happened?
Hi there, I know exactly what you mean, I've had the same. Did a google search on the possibility of ovulating twice and found this:
"Q: I have lots of fertile-looking mucus late in my cycle, after ovulation seems to be over. It starts about a week to 10 days past my ovulation mucus. Am I possibly ovulating twice?

A: No, you are not ovulating twice in one cycle, unless it is within a few hours with fraternal twins. That fertile-looking mucus late in your cycle is a result of hormonal changes leading to your period."
Here's the link to the page:
http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m ... i_18850570

I had a m/c last month and trying to work out when AF will arrive now. Thought I ov'd about 2 weeks ago, then more cm about 5 days ago, still no AF!! It's driving me mad! So not sure whether to believe what I read above! It might help you though...

It's a nightmare trying to work out what our bodies are doing!! Good luck!

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