Short cycles


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
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Last month was my first proper cycle since coming off the pill and it was 23 days long.
Af started 21st Jan for 6 days, I had cramping day 8 and then next af arrived on day 24 - 16 days after presumed ovulation.
This cycle started on 13th Feb, af lasted for 3 days only (til 15th Feb) and again I have had cramping on the 19th/20th which would be cd7/8. Today is cd12.
Does anyone else have experience of having short cycles? I though day 7 would have been too early to ovulate but I guess it is possible?
I don't really want to use opk's at the moment, nor temp charting, would checking cm give me enough info to try and pinpoint ov?
:hug: :hug: not sure but have hugs. as you can see from my ticker i don't have that problem! :lol:
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I know Cori has pretty short cycles as well, so she might be able to give you some insight. You should in theory be able to tell how close you are to ov from your cm - I'd suggest as soon as af is over checking it and starting to bd every day until you feel ov pain, and then one more day after. It'll also give you a good indication of whether that cramping you feel is definitely ov or something else. It's strange that you ov so early but you have such a long luteal phase - I think that's really rare! Hopefully that means that you've got loads of good ol progesterone after ov. :D

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