famous cartoonist's miscarriage - bit upsetting....

I know just sharing my opinion on it, i did find parts of it very touching but feel like she's trying to portray certain massages, can't put my finger on it, glad i looked though x
Yes they did come across as cold, I agree with IWant3, that's probably how it was. My hospital are utterly fantastic though I must say.
I agree I don't think it's in anyway meant to educate. It's a very personal and emotive subject that so many people have been through and yet handle it so differently for obvious reasons.

Would it have pissed you off, if it hadn't been graphic but still outlined the story in cartoon form? There's no pressure to answer Carnat and I don't want to piss you off further Hun honest, I'm just interested in the discussion. ( I don't mind when there are differing opinions but hate arguments lol )

Oh please don't worry about pissing me off LOL!! In the grand scheme of things this isn't something I am that bothered about.

My initial reaction to seeing it though was to feel a bit annoyed? It was my gut reaction.

I suppose because I was so private about my losses (at the time we didn't tell anyone about our 2nd and 3rd losses - which was my choice) I just didn't like the 'in your face-ness' of it all?

It just gave the me feeling that she had somehow exploited her experience for the fame / accolade / money??

Sorry I can't really put my finger on it but I am certainly not pissed off with anyone here :lol:

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I'm sort of with Carnat on this one...

Some parts of the cartoon rang true with me like how she went to the toilet, saw the blood and was like "oh no" as that is exactly what happened to me last year but I just don't like it and it annoyed me as well.

I agree that it is too "in your face" - I think just because it is a graphic depiction - I found it too much.
I'm all for sharing your story in words etc and have done so myself on here to a degree but seeing it visually doesn't feel respectful to me, I don't know, it just really upsets me and makes me feel uncomfortable.

I can see why some people would appreciate it though and obviously for the cartoonist she felt that was a good way of letting her feelings out - like someone else said it is a bit like marmite.
We all have different ways of dealing with our grief. If drawing this has helped this lady, good for her. It's not what I would have done but I respect everyone's entitlement to grieve, however they choose to do it.
Personally it just made me upset as that's just how I felt. xxx
yes very graphic , for me MC was more about the emotional side of it, the loss, the emptiness.
The effect on your relationship.
I would of liked to seen more of this in an illustration, like a sentimental poem by a poet can hit home, and a poet would not write , so there was blood in my pants and blood on the tissue, it does just seem a bit well yes graphic as opposed to touching. But maybe that is just my opinion and this is hers?
Oh no, thats too much, it was the little bit of red on every scene, i can understand her doing it as an artist to help herself work it through, but by publishing somewhere, it crosses over into her art form too much
I'm not sure I like it but it strikes me most people wont like it. People who haven't been through anything like that wont like it because they don't understand it, people who have been won't like it because they do understand it. The cartoon is kind of brutal and upsetting but so is MC, I think that's what she wants to say. I do agree that posting about all the details on here really helped me work through an early loss so maybe it helped her to express herself. Lots of people are going to find it upsetting or distasteful but maybe the brutality of it will actually help some women come to terms with their own experience. There is a taboo around the subject of MC which needs to be broken sometimes, she certainly broke it.
Sometimes I find myself here, trying to understand how on earth couples find the strength to go on. Yup it was graphic, and who knows what made her share the cartoon publicly. For me the 'labour' process is almost minimised, as surely that's what it is whether its a baby being born full term or not. And the end too, burying a baby in an unmarked area like it's not significant enough to others and not recognised for the massive loss that a mc is.
I'm not sure I've articulated myself very well. V graphic though!
I don't think I would do this publicly but I wish I was able to put things on paper and express my feelings like that. I find myself keeping everything in x
I used a notepad and just wrote in the middle 'I feel' and then wrote all the words around it in big letters of how I felt - I had sad, angry, empty, alone, frustrated, lost.........etc etc

the worse one to keep inside is anger! you need to find a way to vent that one particularly....
Posting about it to the girls on here helps. A lot have been through simmilar experiences so they get where you are coming from.
So I had a look and I must say....it's no more shocking or graphic to me than some of the stories we tell. I think the woman who created that cartoon is lucky that she is able to express herself in a way that helps her.

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