Family-in-law 'do' tonight- dreading it!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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uffff...its OH's uncles birthday so we're going out for a meal at a restuarant with various aunts uncles and cousins.....its the first time most of them will meet Anjali and im dreading it!!!

You know when you get the feeling the baby isnt yours and will be passed round like their family property :?

MIL has rung up repeatedly asking what Anjali will be wearing and has now bought her 2 outfits to chose from. Which is nice , yes, but i feel like she's dressing her up to show her off when she's MINE to chose how to show her off :evil:

Plus she says the two dresses she's bought are cotton dresses and i think she'll be too cold in the evening. I hope they dont fit :twisted: :twisted:

I dont think they realise its not going to be a very practical experience having a newborn in a restuarant . If she's asleep they will all wake her up passing her round and if she's awake she'll be screaming cos its that evening grumpy time :(

she also keeps saying what will i be wearing and she can lend me some clothes like she's embarrassed by how i look :evil: we do live out of a suitcase so i dont have party clothes to hand but i am feeling like im not good enough now :x

Never mind i will just disappear to the loos with MY baby to feed her repeatedly :twisted: :twisted:
Oh no sounds like a night mare, can you not tell your mil to politely mind her own and point out that Anjali is your baby and you will put her in something that you feel is suitable. I hate it when i read stuff like this, mils are a pain in the arse!

I hope it dont get too bad and wear what you want - your a married woman and grown up - lemme at mils i hate them! :x

Try and have aok night and if the passign around is to much - hope the baby cies cos then youcan tell them shes not coping well so you can have her back!
poor you, hope your evening is going/gone ok.

personally I'd have her in her night things as then she's all ready for bed once you get home!!!!!!, if she's asleep then dont let anyone (even MIL), touch her and just park her pram, carrychair whatever in a quiet corner.
oh dear, hope it went ok? poor anjali being passed roun d like a parcel i can just imagine :roll:

bad enough last week with just one auntie who wouldnt take the hint at 10 pm and hand my grumbling baby over for her bedtime feed :x

at least once everyone has met her you can have a bit of peace!
well, it went as expected!!

MIL had got her this awful massive white cotton dress, which made it look like she was wearing a pillowcase :| and stupidly impractical as you couldnt get a grip on her to pick her up, and it rucked up to her neck leaving her all exposed :x

i did put her in it to be polite (and was very embarrassed putting her on display in it!) i think MIL could see in the end what a dumb idea it was for a baby who was being hand held and cant even sit up, :twisted:

some of the family were ok with her and could see she was tired and frustrated, but of course dear MIL is saying 'whats wrong with her! you should feed her!' :x

the worst bit was when MIL asked me if i was ok, and i was like 'yeah im fine' (not quite managing to hide my distress at Anjali being manhandled) and she says sympathetically, 'Dont worry, it does get better with time' :wall: :wall: :wall: like im struggling to im struggling to cope with YOU!!!! LOL

I know she means well and just wants to enjoy her granddaughter but i wish she could remember what its like to have a newborn, without the rose tinted spectacles!!!

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