Family - Dads Side


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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How often does your LO see their nan and grandad from their dads side?

Ella sees my mum and dad every day even if its for a for ten minutes they make the effort to pop over to check were ok and to see if i need anything..

however, her other grandad has only seen her once and thats because we took her to see him when she was 2 weeks old (apparently i shouldnt have been tired after i gave birth and should have been buzzing so i should have been able to get in the car and drive to his to show him his granddaughter on the day i came home from hospital) and because we didnt he refuses to see her now!!! and his mum has probaly only seen her 6/7 times! i feel bad for Ella!

so, do your family see your lo more than your ohs side?

My parents see Ben and now Joe every weekend plus maybe an evening in the week and they phone to check how we are. As a result Ben has a brilliant relationship with them, happily stays over at their house and has been on weekend breaks with them. OH parents are the complete opposite.....his mum saw Ben at the end of october then was coming to see us the day after her birthday in november but had a headache so didnt turn up (even though ben had made her a cake and banner). She then popped in for 5 minutes on new years eve to give ben his xmas present (a next voucher). She came round last week to meet baby Joe after saying she was coming to hospital and not turning up! His dad is even worse, he hasnt met Joe or seen Ben since before xmas.

Makes me feel so sad that they are missing out on Ben and Joe
My experience is I went to their house nearly every weekend when I was growing up as my mum was a single mum and it gave her a break (my dad didn't see me tho!) with Tyler he see's them 3-4 times a month?


My parents see Ben and now Joe every weekend plus maybe an evening in the week and they phone to check how we are. As a result Ben has a brilliant relationship with them, happily stays over at their house and has been on weekend breaks with them. OH parents are the complete opposite.....his mum saw Ben at the end of october then was coming to see us the day after her birthday in november but had a headache so didnt turn up (even though ben had made her a cake and banner). She then popped in for 5 minutes on new years eve to give ben his xmas present (a next voucher). She came round last week to meet baby Joe after saying she was coming to hospital and not turning up! His dad is even worse, he hasnt met Joe or seen Ben since before xmas.

Makes me feel so sad that they are missing out on Ben and Joe

thats how i feel, ella is growing so fast! sounds a bit childish but i deleted them all off facebook i thought if you cant be arsed to make the effort to see YOUR grandchild then you arent seeing the pictures of her growing up!!
With us we live with my mum but with oh his parents passed away and he doesn't really get on with his family. So leandros only met one of his brothers x x x
I think it must depend on the family. My folks stay 3hours away, and came up for the weekend the day after G arrived. MIL came to see us in the hospital, but then waited to be invited round for visit when we were home (prob cos my folks were here) but she texts most days to check we're ok.

When my SIL had my nephew it took her mum ages to come visit, they stay in Kent and SIL is in glasgow. Her dad didn't see him till their wedding in nov (nephew arrived in August) No way my folks, or in laws woulda waited that long. Xxx
luckily OH parents arent on facebook! but dont blame you. It really annoys me when other family say 'oh Les dotes on Ben, she spoils him rotten' and im left thinking she obviously tells people she sees him all the time, so other people think shes amazing when the reality is the complete opposite!!
Unfortunately because of the distance my parents will probably only see Angel once every 2-3 months. Last year we visited like 5 or 6 times and they only came over twice!! So I'm not doing it this year, they came last month to us and were going over in April and after that I consider it to be their turn to come and see us so we'll see if they actually do. As for OH his real Dad lives in Korea!! So god knows when he'll meet her and his Mum has never come over to visit us at all.... its such a shame because I was very close to my grandparents and I'm so gutted Angel probably won't be. I know the distance isn't easy and flights do cost but it'd be nice if she was put first for a change.xx.
I agree it depends on the family. My in laws moved to be near lo and help us out. They look after her 2 days a week when i work and my parents come up to have her for a day a week.
Defo with us!! My mum works 50 hours a week and still comes 1 or 2 evenings and every weekend, mil comes at most once a fortnight, and we have to ask her to come round and she does 2 days a week work and nothing in the day. Really pees me off, whe once awake she doesn't feel welcome coming in the day when OHs at work but when she comes I do nothing but be nice to her! Thing is she only lives 5 mins away my mum lives 2 mins away, but if she hears that my mum has been minding Charlie for us (which isn't very often, prob once a month if that) then she goes all childish and its like its some sort of competition then we don't see her for weeks, but who am I going to leave him with a woman who doesn't know how to look after him and he barely knows or q woman he.sees every week and is used to? Anyone else have competing grannies? X
How childish refusing to see her!! I'm getting the same with mil and it's driving me mad!! They were the same about visiting after hospital too calling me a wuss for not going out the day I brought her home! I went thru shit and was shattered!! :mad:

Just let them get on with it she won't miss them theyll miss her! She's not old enough to understand who people are past mummy and daddy don't feel bad it's not ur fault they are being dicks!! :hug:
Joshua sees my mum 1 or 2 times a week. My dad (as separated from my mum) about 1 or 2 times a month. He has a westie that is aggressive towards Joshua so don't like oing over there. And he sees hubby's mum and dad at least once a week.xx
I live with ohs parents so they see her everyday whereas my mum lives over an hour away but she comes up for the day whenever she can which is about once a week atm, her and her partner run their own business so I can't expect more.. I do feel bad for my mum but she rings almost every night and we're going up to stay over my birthday xx

My parents come round every week but they only live round the corner I sometimes pop in during the week if I'm out to see my dad. OH's parents come every Friday afternoon to see lo. We hardly see his sister and never see mine (not that we'd want to anyway!)

Oh and all the grandparents are doing the childminding when I go back to work :)
His mum sees all the boys every Friday but his Dad only sees them when he can be bothered to come visit as they have split up and he lives far away, my mum sees them all everyday as she lives with us.
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Noah has seen his Grandad from my OH's side just twice since he was born (one of those visits was in hospital after he was born). He's seen his Nannan from OH's side three times (once a week since birth).

I've lost count the amount of times he's seen my mum, but me and her are extremely close and she absolutely adores her grandchildren. My dad is a bit more distant though and isn't with my mum. He's seen him quite a bit - more then OH's parents anyway! :mad:
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My mum is living with us for a while to help out while Vince is still very young, and my MIL comes over every day, she is besotted!
This culture of expecting new mums to bounce back and do every day stuff the day you give birth really annoys me, when I was born mothers had to rest and stay in hospital 10 days! Not saying we should stay in hospital but I think rest and baby bonding in the comfort of your own home is very important for both mum and baby and visitors should come to you, we need a babymoon!

We live hundreds of miles away from both our families so unfortunately Kynon has only seen my family 3 times for a week each time and my oh family have only seen him once at Christmas for the day and that was only because we took a very long detour from visiting my family to see them. They have never been up to visit us in scotland in the 10 years we've been together! There is always some excuse so I don't see why we should have to make all the effort, i do feel a bit bad as my fil is ill but they always manage a holiday abroad every year! his sisters visit though when they can. My family visit twice a year and I go there about twice a year too. I really miss them but 500 miles is just too far for regular visits :( once DD finishes high school we plan to move back south to be nearer family.
This culture of expecting new mums to bounce back and do every day stuff the day you give birth really annoys me, when I was born mothers had to rest and stay in hospital 10 days! Not saying we should stay in hospital but I think rest and baby bonding in the comfort of your own home is very important for both mum and baby and visitors should come to you, we need a babymoon!


Exactly! and also, it was the middle of november, absolutely freezing... i got out of hospital at about 6pm so he was quite happy for us to take Ella out at 2 days old at night time because he couldnt be arsed to make the effort to come to her. It upsets me that she doesnt mean enough to him to make the effort!
This culture of expecting new mums to bounce back and do every day stuff the day you give birth really annoys me, when I was born mothers had to rest and stay in hospital 10 days! Not saying we should stay in hospital but I think rest and baby bonding in the comfort of your own home is very important for both mum and baby and visitors should come to you, we need a babymoon!


My in laws have been really good about that bit - FIL was lecturing me back at xmas about not trying to come out of hospital too early, or do too much. lol


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