False V True Labour?


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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Who can tell me the difference between false and true labour contractions?

I know that they reckon with true labour contractions that they are so intense you can't talk through them and that they generally are felt higher up in your abdomen..... but.....

Do you feel Braxton Hicks in your lower back at any time?

I've had them during the course of pregnancy but never, ever experienced any lower back pain with them. The only back pain I have had is from SPD and the extra weight at the front.

Since I had these contractions yesterday morning, I keep feeling bad pains in my back intermittently accompanied with period type pains low down in the front.

I just don't know what's going on! LOL. I'm very much assuming it is false labour!
Is your baby back to back? I had two back to back labours and the latent stage (0-4cm) took a long time (with Seren it took 2 days and with Cally it took abouyt 12 hours) as the baby has to turn into the right position and it takes longer for the cervix to thin and dilate. I had pains mainly in my back but when the labour became active they were all in the bottom of my bump.

Keep as mobile as you can as this helps, also being on your hands and knees helps baby to turn.
from what i have read on line and in text books pains in back with BH's are signs of real labour. also real BH's get worse when u move around and do not trail off. HAPPY DUE DATE too sounds positive with the pains.

marie x
my sister never had any pians in the front, she had a back labour all the way through and it was really hard for her, even the midwife said they are the worse kind, maybe you should be checked out Deb see is anything is happening :rotfl:
I really really don't know. I think what you are experiencing could well be early labour, the sound simlar to symptoms of other people I know who have had babies. (BUT, I am no expert!!)
My friend and my sister that they didn't actually realise they were in labour at all, they just had a bit of back ache and period pains....the next day baby was here :shock:
They were both surprised at how different contractions felt to what they expected.
You should definately be getting lots of rest and eating to get your strength up in case....

I am like u ... I keep getting tightening like b.h. and thinking it could be the start of something but then it eases back off...
She is really lively today ( has been pretty quite all over the weekend) so i am just wondering if this could be a sign cos i have got backache as well..
She does feel like she has dropped though when i am walking..

Hope u arent waiting much longer..
Baby isn't back to back as far as I know. I can feel a big ole bum and back most of the time on the left hand side so......

Laura - Flump is very active this afternoon too and was yesterday.

Also, I don't know if it is just because iof my cold but I have a lack of appetite too. Usually I am starving for lunch by now but today and yesterday I've not been too interested in food at all!
mine has called down a bit now moving about but my back is still aching.. Going to try and have a bounce on the ball in a bit ..
Are u still getting a show cos mine stopped on saturday ??

Oh i am still eating but i think alot of mine is boredam (sp) :oops:

Its strange as by my dates i would have been due today ..
lauramleigh said:
mine has called down a bit now moving about but my back is still aching.. Going to try and have a bounce on the ball in a bit ..
Are u still getting a show cos mine stopped on saturday ??

Oh i am still eating but i think alot of mine is boredam (sp) :oops:

Its strange as by my dates i would have been due today ..

Yeah, the show is still coming - no signs of that stopping LOL! There's loads of it! :puke:
My labour pains weren't high up, contractions were down low in my abdomen accompanied by lower back pain which came in waves with the contractions - But my baby was back to back at the start but we didn't realise.
sounds a bit like my labour with Alana, i was never sure what was going on and dmissed it for BH's, it went on for about 5 days.

but when i went in for my induction, they did internal and i was 5cm :shock: so was in labour but very slow labour so they broke my waters
i never had any back or tummy pains with my labour, it was all internal like my cervix was been torn apart, it was awful!!!!! i'd say everyone is different, if you are unsure phone mw
I guess there is no real way to know if you are in slow labour? One minute I'm fine and can be fine for an hour, then all of a sudden I have really bad pain in my back and period pains then they disappear again! Grrrrr! :?
my contractions werent high up at all , they were all down along my pubic line where ya get period pains !
I think its so hard to know, the pains ur having will undoubtedly be getting your body ready but its hard to know if its the early stages of real labour. My contractions were all in my back & sides (baby was back to back until late in labour) then they were all over, in my back, sides and tummy. When u are in real labour and progressing you will definately know about it :D Hope its the real thing! :hug: :hug:
I hope so too but it's just all so irregular.... :?
I'd just try and stay really active to be on the safe side :)

Also, back ache does sound like baby may be a bit back to back so a bit of swimming of scrubbing the kitchen floor can't hurt :lol: Trust me, spend a bit of time now trying to make sure baby is in the best position...you won't regret it.

good luck :)
Debbie hun just an idea.. if you have faith in the homeopathic medicine go buy some pulsatilla it will regulate contractions, i know natural mamma took some and it regulated hers.

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