

Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2007
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On Sunday evening my Mum was pinning up a hem on a maternity dress she was making me (I was standing wearing it when she was doing this) and I suddenly felt really sick and had to sit down as I was about to faint.

I have heard that this may happpen- I am worried it could happy again especially if I am driving. Has anyone else had this and do you think it could happen again?

This happend to me early in pregnancy at about 6 weeks
but it only happend the once
i was at work when i felt all faint and had to sit down in the Nusrsery Garden, the world went all fuzzy and i felt so weired.

Stess could also cause it i know one girl in tri3 almost fainted the other day due to her work load and being overwhelmed by it.

Id mention it to your Doctor ring them up and see what they say.
it could be a one of thing but id get it checked out to be on the safe side
Hope you have no moe episodes hon
:hug: :hug:
Hi Moofa,

I had this happen to me when I was about 10 weeks with my first pregnancy - was standing in a really boring photocopier training session and suddenly I came over really funny, but managed to dash out of the room. Several people followed me as apparently I'd gone very white, and they made me sit down and asked me if anything had happened to me like that before (of course I hadn't then told them I was pregnant, ha ha, and didn't really want them to know at that stage). I just brushed it off to them as nothing but it did make me a bit scared!

It hasn't happened since but I think it was the fact that I was standing up still for a long time. When I've been pregnant since at home it's easy just to sit down if I need to; I'm ok if moving about, it's just the standing still!!!

Hope you're feeling better
Hey, it's probably due to low blood pressure - as you were standing the blood pooled in your feet - I speak from experience! I have a habit of fainting.
My OH read your post and said that I should mention that I faint in toilet cubicles every now and then (he thinks it's quite funny). In fact the people at work, where I fainted in the toilet cubicle, told everyone i'd fallen off the toilet. Lol.

Best thing to do is not stand still for too long and make sure you sit or lie down as soon as you feel iffy and it'll soon pass. :hug:

Thanks. i had another one yesterday felt really sick but didn't faint (as I was sitting down this time) both times I get a headache after and am feeling groggy today with a headache. I'm going to the Dr's on Thursday, I had an appointment anyway so will mention it to him.

Poor you-falling off the loo :hug: :hug:


Yeah, I've got quite low blood pressure - they even said it was a bit low when I was having my last baby and it never went up much!!!

Good luck at the docs Moofa

All the best

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