fainted again!

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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On the landing at the top of the stairs last night! I had a headache and told OH i was going to get some water, next thing i know i'm on the floor!
Poor OH nearly had a heart attack 'cos all he heard was an almighty crash - it probably sounded worse as we're waiting to get carpet fitted there so it was just bare boards.

I'm impressed though, i landed on my hip rather than on my belly so my LO is perfectly fine, it's just me who is sore!

Ah well, OH then insisted on walking me to the loo during the night everytime i needed it bless him!
That's not good hun, have you told the MW about it? :hug:
Lucky you didn't fall down the stairs! :shock: I'd definately get checked over with the midwife in case it's something like low blood pressure, or lack of iron thats making you faint :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

u were very lucky there wasnt you, but im glad both you and the baby are fine (apart from your hip)

Hope you get this sorted!!

Glad your ok that could of been a lot worse if you had fallen down the stairs. I would get your bp checked. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I've always got low BP and yup i'm anaemic! Have promised OH i'll make a doc appointment for next week - that way the doc can do my 33 week check-up whilst i'm there (it'll be a few days early, but it'll save me having to go twice).

I feel a bit iffy this morning, a bit light-headed. Hope it stops as i'm going shopping tomorrow and i want to feel goooood. :)

When OH gets back from work (anytime now hopefully!) i'll get him to make me some lunch... lol
oooh honey

i have fainted x2 due to low blood pressure and low iron, im ok now but walk on all fours sometimes when i am feeling iffy

take it easy xx
Babybee, you always keep so positive bless you. Just make sure that you keep an eye on this fainting. Fainting is one of the things I really hate, I have done it a couple of times.
Please stay safe sweetie and do mention it to your MW/Doctor xx :hug:
bless you hun, like Kaz said you're so upbeat :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

take care wont you babe xx
Oh no... Fainting is awful! :(

Hope you won't faint anymore. So lucky that you didn't land on your bump.

I last fainted during 1st trimester. I was on a packed and HOT train, but naturally nobody gave me a seat as I wasn't visibly pregnant. I did have a few male helpers gathered around me after I came around. I still have a scar by my eyebrow as I must have landed on something sharp(?).

I've found that I get a bit apprehensive after fainting as I am trying to prevent it happening again. I then tend to be looking for any signs of dizziness which makes me a bit paranoid. Hope you don't have that!

Good to hear that you are feeling a bit better - take it easy.
ah hunny :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i hope your ok now love?? :hug:
you be careful and take it easy
be careful on the stairs
ive texted you
sarah :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks guys :)
I think I was a little lucky as the hoover was on the landing too and i didn't even land on that! I'm obviously a careful fainter!

I'll make sure if I feel ill in the night i wake OH to help me to the bathroom just in case :)

I will mention it to my midwife/doc/whoever i see first though i'm guessing there is little they can do!


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