faint positive now a negative


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2005
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HI there
about a week and ahalf ago i got a very faint positive and we were really happy, doctor has refered me to the womens.
Thing is i am paranoid that am gonna go for my scan and there will be nothing there, So i did another test and it was negative. Am really confused.
My best friend said she had four really faint positives (so faint her husband couldnt see the lines) and she is 16 weeks, and she said she felt the same way. AM i being paranoid?
Does having a positive then a negative mean am not pregnant or should just wait to see what the scan says.
THink am gonna go insane
Pam x
Did you use the same brand hun? I got a positive with a clear blue then a negative with a predictor so I then did 2 boots own and another clear blue and they were all positive,have you had any bleeding or anything? xx
I really dont know. Maybe try another test. But if you got a positive at the begining positive usually are positive and negatives can be wrong so try not to worry.
thanks for the quick reply.
It was the same brand LLoyds pharmacy own.
I phoned the doctor and he said leave it another week. :shock: coz thats easy to do.
I havent had any bleeding so thats a good thing. And i still have all the symptoms.
I don't think you need to worry. at about 15 weeks I did a pregnancy test because I was paranoid my symptons had dissappeared and it was lighter than my first positive :shock:

I'm 20 weeks gone now and all is fine, I think depending on your urine and how much ink is in the test can make it vary. I would try out a couple of different brands if I was you though, I couldn't wait a week.

Good luck x
Thanks for thatgives me a little hope. x

I was on night duty last night in the hospital and took a urine sample down to A&E it came back negative, When i told the nurse what had ben going on she advised that when i have my anti natel appontment i should insist on an early scan and a blood test. And then she reeled of possibilites as to why i was getting negatives, here are some of her little gems
1 I may not be able to produce the hormone efficiantly
2 it could be a false negative the machine they use to get the electronic reading is old :shock: (what kind of hospital am i working for)
3 It may be to early to test and the other positives were a flouk
4 it could be a cycst/ bligted ovam (have not got a clue about that one)
5 Have i ever thought i was menapausal :shock:
6 i could just be really unlucky :|
7 a blocked tube or infection is a mabe
8 Your only 2 weeks post inplantation mabe its not sticking :shock: i
could have thought of gentler ways to put it!
You gotta love the NHS
I got my leter today to make my anti natel appointment so when i ring them on monday am gonna have to explain everything coz i dont want to go in there looking like an idiot.
Glad to here your pregnancy is going well i will be taking shares out in pregnancy testing soon i am buying that many :?
Thanks for all oyur replies wil keep you posted.
pam x
fingers crossed pammie hope all is well for you :pray:

So sorry your going through this hun.. i hope it works out for the best good luck.
THankyou everybody.
Got my letter to ring for my first anti natel appointment and the midwife was really nice and supportive and said not to worry to still consider myself pregnant and as soon as she can get me a scan date she will ring me. ANd will ring me tomorrow with my first appoinment and do all the blood test then. She told me it happens to lots of women. So it was nice to have someone who was able to put my mind at ease and asure me am not losing my mind YET.
Hope am not waiting weeks :pray:
I will keep you all posted, and thank you for all your support over the past few weeks you really are the most amazing people i have ever been in contact with and if i didnt have this place to vent rant and ask questions i would probably be in a straight jacket.
My oh is great but i dont think men can understand fully what its like for women i think there perspectives can be different depending on the problem. (my oh's favourite saying is ah it will be ok bless him)
Again thanks everyone
PAm xx
stay positive pammie we all routing for you and your OH :pray:
hope everyhting is ok for you pammie.

good luck honey.xx :pray:
Thanks everyone
Got my antinatel appointment booked today. Its for 11th july so got four weeks to wait. Had an old school midwife on the phone telling me to relax and stop being so paranoid so am trying that for now.
Will keep you all posted on whats going on
pam x
Gosh four weeks is a long time to wait when you don't know whats happening isn't it? - Really hope the time passes quickly for you!

Thanks Racheal am hoping it goes quickly to. :pray:
Going to fill my weeks with lots of things to do next week am of to cardiff so that will be good just got to find lots of other cool stuff to do with the other 3 weeks haha
Its a time like this you could do with a fast forward button - I would be going out of my mind!

I can't believe you have not been offered a blood test to detect your HCG levels - They are much more conclusive than a urine test and you'd have some answers within a few days! - I'd be back at my Gp's, I'd not be able to stand the not knowing - a month is such a long time to be waiting for answers!

I asked for a blood test from my doc and she said they will do one at the hospital. So when the antinatel people got in touch i asked them and they said there is no need i got a positive and they will do one at my appointment or if I bleed before then. :wall:
Iam cracking up slightly, i keep having little rants (not as bad as nikkies from big brother but getting there) My oh says my rants are hillarious co i keep answering my own questions :oops:
Watch over the next four weeks you will see me slowlt slip in to maddness.
Pam x
Hi just a litttle update.
Started bleeding this evening before going in to work.
I went into work and got a test from A&E it was a negative.
Nurse there says it looks like i have lost it.
Work sent me home and i cant stop crying.
I phoned the liverpools womens and they said to do a test in the morning and if its poitive am to go in for tests, if i start bleeding heavy to go in and if its negative it was probably an Early miss.
Thanks for all you support everyone i have really appreciated it
Pam xx
Oh Pammie how absolutely devastating!

I am so sad to read your post.

Really hoped things would work out for you....There really aren't any words to make you feel any better are there?

Thinking of you.

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