F***ing Cancer


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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I found out a few days ago that my ex's mum has been given a month as she has liver cancer.... which was sad enough i cried for two days

But now I have just found out my old work mate is in hospital having a lump removed!!!!!

Why is cancer so commen! :evil: :cry: :cry:

cancer is one of the saddest things to have touched my life, in our family there is a gene that blights the lives of the females.
you can blame almost anything for causing cancer but mainly it is put bad luck, bad genes or free radicals attacking our cells.
it's is truely one of the most evil things on earth and I can only say that I am sorry for anyone who is touched by it
aww.. I am so sorry hun...

I HATE cancer. I lost my Mum to it 5yrs ago, my father in-law has had it and now my sister in-law has been getting tests on a lump they found in her throat.

It's awful.

Big hugs to you :hug: :hug: PM me if you wanna chat.

S. xx
Thanks girls and I am sorry for your sadness too! I just never knew it was so commen till the last two weeks!! :(

sorry to hear your news.

unfortunately it is to common and I don't know anyone who hasn't been touched by it in some way...

My mum died from it 14 years ago, my nan now has skin cancer, my grandad has prostate cancer as does my uncle and there have been many more too... it's a horrible disease :hug:
awww thats so sad, sorry hun! i hate cancer, i am scared i get it and dont know about it! :cry:
oh Keely Im sorry hun I know how your feeling cancer has touched m,y life so many times with ppl I care about and it is heartbreaking theres nothing i can say no advbice i can give its a cruel nasty disease that plucks lives from us and I am truly sorry your dealing with this all i can say is be there now for you ex's mother (if you can be) and for your friend :hug:
when i was pregnant with my 2nd my auntie died well saying that she died 2 days after libby was born. she was only 53,i used to live with her she never got to see my baby,this was 18 months ago... ive just found out my nanna has got cancer again,she has just moved to ireland,she is not going to be treated this time ( shes had cancer before) ive been told she hasn't got long, i dont think i will get to see her due to travelling and cost, what if she goes when baby is due i feel so guilty,its so hard to grieve and then be happy cause of your new baby,haven't tottally got over my auntie yet :cry: :cry: :cry:
Its an awful disease......so sorry to hear such sad news hunny :hug: :hug: :(
:hug: im sorry!

its rare to find people that have not been effected by it.

I had a relative that had cancer in her brain. was treated and all seemed clear. was told she would be very lucky to have kids... and ended up having a little boy. all seemed to be going great, then it came back and in a matter of months she had died.

its awful and so many people are affected by it, my mum's mum (my nan!) died of cancer when my mum was only 18 - i can't even imagine losing my mum to something like that, especially at such a young age!!!

im sorry Keeley - my thoughts are with them and their families - sending lots of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I had a suspect mole removed when I was just 14, it turned out to be ok but I was so scared, then my sister got skin cancer when she was in her early 20's - very fair girl with big moles on her back, so high risk anyway, but that didnt stop her hitting sunbeds and beaches at every chance. She had 5 moles removed and laser treatment, Silly cow got the all clear then went straignt back to her sunbeds and beaches.


Im so so sorry to hear your bad news, cancer is a blight on us thats for sure, I hope we find a cure in our lifetime :pray:
I am really sorry to hear your bad news so many of us have been hit by cancer and its very hard to accept always to good go young. My mum died of it almost 7 years ago, 3 weeks after my sister gave birth. My mum lived in Ireland and my sis lives here in the UK. She travelled home with 2 toddlers and a 12 day old baby but it was the right decision. We were lucky cos at the end she went downhill very quickly and we had a week back home with her before she died. We reckon she only held on as long as she did to see the baby. But I strongly believe she's up there looking after me. I pray/talk to her all the time and it really helps.
MissGobby said:
, my mum's mum (my nan!) died of cancer when my mum was only 18 - i can't even imagine losing my mum to something like that, especially at such a young age!!!

I lost my mum to it a week after my 18th birthday. It was awful and such a hard thing to live with. My mum first got it when I was 12... she had her 1st op on my 13th b/day had the treatment and was clear for 4yrs. We only discovered it was back when she had a simple fall in our garden and she broke her hip bone... the docs thought it broke to easy for such a simple fall and did loads of tests and discovered it had went into her bones... I left school and cared for her full time as my dad has his own business and he couldnt do it. The cancer slowly went everywhere and she unfot passed away. It sounds horrible to say this but I'm glad she did in a way.... although she was alive she wasnt living... she was so confussed and stuck to her bed and she just wasnt my Mum anymore. SHe was in constant pain and had a machine (dont know the correct name for it) attached to her tummy pumping the morphine in. It wasn't the way to live.

After being through all this I volunteer at a Cancer centre in Aberdeen... I usually get put to families in the same situation (ie with young kids with a parent with cancer) and I take them out every now and then to the movies or beach or something. They can also call me at anytime if they are feeling low. It can be hard as you get attached to them, but it is also rewarding to see the kids minds taken off the troubles for a while.

S. xx

Hun im so sorry it is such an aweful thing, really hope they ifnd a cure for it
:hug: Katrina
Im sorry to hear that, i hate Cancer too, my uncles just about dying with it now hes got days to live, its travelled to his lymph nodes, my best mates uncle passed away 2 days ago, my other mates dad and his best mates got it, thank fully theve caught it in time, and Kaidens two cousins are gettin tests done, a male aged 10 and female aged 15 as they have lumps in their breast areas the are brother and sister. Im sure its gettin alot more common these says XkelX

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