Ive already had 2 pregnancys, one with little symptoms slightly tender breasts ect. The second with some nausea and again slighty tender breasts. Very managable. Now with this pregnancy i have a tonne of symptoms. Im currently 8 weeks, have had sore rock hard breasts since before i tested (day before my period was due) also test was a bfp as soon as the pee hit the stick and before a control line shown up. Ive had nausea and sickness for 3 weeks. Lasting all day and night. Have also got pregnancy rhinitus and keep having nose bleeds. Feel like ive geined quite abit of weight already even though im naturally thin, not eating much either. Ive now got a pot belly unless its bloating. I feel really crappy and tired all the time. Someone suggested twins but i dont think so. Has anyone else had pregnancy with managable symptoms and then full whack symptoms with another?