Extreme dizziness and nausea


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2017
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Has anyone felt this? I've suddenly felt like I'm going to fall down and my pulse is racing I just want to lay down and throw up at the same time e
Could be your blood pressure or blood sugar. Are you eating and drinking okay? I'd have a chat with the midwife to be sure xx
i feel a bit better now, its well scary :( maybe stress
Sounds like blood pressure, this happens to me everytime I stand still, drink plenty of water x
How long does it last with you? It lasted me a few hours today x
Depends how bad it is, if I try and out last it, I'll end up fainting. If I put down usually goes within 10 mins, if it happens when I'm sitting it can last all day and won't be able to do much x
oh gosh how awful!

I've had so many symptoms I never had in the other pregnancies like sickness etc this one is taking a toll! x
My blood pressure has been so high since week 3 ( I am now W11) my doctor and midwife have both told me just to take it really easy. Sit down if you have to, don't do anything to exert. Drink loads of water too - that helps with heart rate apparently. I found fizzy water really helped with nausea too x
thanks guys, must get my blood pressure checked! It's always been really good though :/ hopefully it isn't something serious..
feeling so much better today though actually at work! but feeling sick as a dog lol! 12 weeks tomorrow and then my scan on Tuesday so perhaps they will do it for me quickly at the hospital?
I had my BP done today, felt shit since I woke up. It's quite low 100/60. Never been that low before but explains why I'm awful today.
I had my BP done today, felt shit since I woke up. It's quite low 100/60. Never been that low before but explains why I'm awful today.

oh no bless you, I hope you feel better soon! Is there anything they can do for that?

I'm putting the shitty feelings down to the fact I've just eaten utter crap since I've been pregnant and only worked out once in three months.. :(
Nothing can be done for low BP. Up salt intake and I drink isotonic sports drinks which makes me feel better.
It's actually quite normal for women to have low BP during pregnancy, if you have low BP I'd suggest getting some drinks (not energy drinks, just the sports ones) helps alot x

I don't think bad eating habits cause it, I lived on McDonald's at the start of preg with my daughter, and my low BP didn't happen till 17-18 weeks and I was healthy eating by then x
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oh no I didn't mean that, just my feeling crappy in general lol!

I must get my blood pressure taken just in case though! thank you for the advice, I really hope it gets better for you, feeling yucky on top of all the other pregnancy stuff is just the worst x

I never had any BP problems in any of my other pregnancies although i suppose every pregnancy is different so need to make sure x
I've suffered low BP this pregnancy even though I didn't last pregnancy. when the midwife has seen me she's also taken it and said it's spot on but I've been having dizzy spells and nearly fainted so she said it would definitely be a mixture of low BP and low sugar. she said it's hard to pinpoint as blood pressure changes so much

she told me to eat more and in a little anf often fashion

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