Dizzyness and feeling faint


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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I've been feeling dizzy and faint every day basically from day one and I put it down to not eating from the constant nausea, but this week I've not felt so sick so been eating more and if anything the dizziness has got worse! I've not actually fainted but been very close when everything has gone black, ive managed to sit or lie down in time. I didnt have this with my daughter so it new to me, any tips to help? Has anyone else been feeling the same?
Hi Sarah, I had a wee dizzy spell at work yesterday for the first time, didn't really feel faint but everything went a bit spinny for a few seconds. I hope this passes soon for you, it doesn't sound very nice.
Im sure we are going through the same symptoms hunny, ive been eating abit more over the last few days but we were out shopping today and one minute i was fine the next i didnt know where i was, like the room was spinning. I had to sit down and my grandad got me a mars bar, after about 20 mins i was fine again. Good job i wasnt on my own with my little man. Hope your feeling better soon x x

Hey I had this really badly at first just out of nowhere everything would go like black and spotty, like a starry night, then go again... I still get it now just not so much. I didn't find anything to help other than grabbin hold of something if ur stood up to stop urself fallin over or sittin down, sometimes it came on too strongly for me to sit down and it was a case of grab hold and hold on tight! lol
I spoke to my midwife and she said it's perfectly normal and you just gotta wait it out.... Hope it sorts itself out soon :) x
I think your right m2a, we are just about the same stage, once I get my scan I might find we're due on the same day again!

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