Extreme Blushing!!

xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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In the past few weeks my blushing has got so much worse. When i was a teenager i used to blush a lot but for years it was fine. But as my pregnancy gets further along its getting worse and worse. I go red at the tiniest thing, i have no reason to be embarrassed but it just comes on. Yesterday me and my OH went shopping and in every shop when talking to sales assistants my face went almost purple. My OH kept asking what was wrong, i was so embarassed i just said im really warm. And when having normal conversations with friends it just appears out of nowhere. This is a symptom i could really do without!!has anyone else had this? xx
lol oh dear! sorry hun i cant help, im quite dark skinned so never been a blusher but hope it gets better for you! x
Im quite pale skinned so it very noticeable. I have a feeling it going to be one of those things which will last for months. Ill just need to grin and bear it lol xx
Not sure about blushing really but I do know pregnancy triggers alot of skin sensitivities - I've had alot of rashes and allergies so maybe it's something connected to that? I'm always pretty pink anyway especially if I get hot! x
It happened again tonight when i was at my mums for dinner, had to fan my face for 5 mins. Its like a mixture of blushing and like a hot flush. So embarassing xx
I used to get this in school lol...but now i wear alot more make up you can't tell lol xxx
My face goes the colour of beetroot, dont think any make up will cover it :( WHY ME??? haha xx
You could try lol i think it will help... i didnt go as dark as a beetroot though :) Its maybe pregnancy bringing it back on xxx
i had bad eczema as a kid until i was about 12 - had scabby itchy legs and had to have treatment for it, its decided to come back since i got pregnant! I literally itch my legs in my sleep when i dont realise im doing it until they bleed! Its horrible when your childhood illnesses come back! lol x
I'm a huge blusher as well, doesn't help that I'm extremely fair-skinned so there is no hiding it. I haven't noticed it getting worse during pregnancy, but perhaps it's just your hormones putting your nerves on edge. I tend to flush when I get frustrated/embarrassed/caught off guard/just about anything, so maybe that's why I haven't noticed it getting worse since it's already so bad...
I think my only solution is to just highlight the fact that im having a hot flush and people will probably just assume its a pregnancy thing lol. xx

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