Extra scan at 32 weeks?

Mrs S your only a day in front of me and im also a darent Valley lady...

I will defo be looking into this 32 weeks scan and might try and see if i can get one at medway if not at DVH xxx

Ooh we could be in there at the same time :-)

Yea it seems strange if Medway are doing them are they in the same trust? I'm actually a bexley girl so I'm not sure about that trust?
Ooo didn't know about this. Saw mw yesterday too! Will try n remember to ask at my 22 wk check if we get that here. Hope so!
We could well be, how strange would that be. Both trusts are supposedly merging but will defo look into it nearer the time x
My midwife told me that I would have extra scan at 32 weeks - I am in lincolnshire. She told me at my 8 week booking in appt! She said this was because it was my first baby and because I'm under my consultant throughout my pregnancy. X
I'm at the Medway too - my friend is 4 weeks ahead at the darenth valley and hasn't been offered a 32 week one either. It might be Medway as they are doing various trials at the moment with Kings College Hospital. We get extra checks at every scan if we want to take part as well. I am also on another trial now as I have a short cervix. The hospitals are merging but not properly until August from what I have heard.
I have one at 32 weeks because of my age, also have another next week to check for growth as I was measuring 5 weeks ahead xx
It is routine at my doctor's office too. Everyone gets a scan at 12, 20 and 32 weeks :)
knew i should have picked medway lol xxx

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