LO is now 2 weeks old and feeding like I don't know what
Big baby, big appetite and luckily for me I have lots of milk. Just it means for very little sleep for me and while he feeds more often than not inside of half an hour now, sometimes it can go on as he comfort feeds, especially at night. I only had 2 hours sleep last night due to his waking and feeding etc (as yet not a chance of any routine for feeds etc so just going with the flow
As he is so demanding for my boob, has no problems latching, feeding etc my HV suggested I start expressing a couple of feeds a day in the not too distant future. Starting this coming week. She feels there is no need to wait till he is 6 weeks as she is confident expressing for hubby to help with night time feeds will work fine. Plus of course as hubby isn't me he settles a lot better back in his crib. If I try I get a lot of noise and fussing.
I'm happy to do this but am trying to work out how much might be good to start him off on expressing. He is 10lb plus weihgt wise. I hope to hand express but shall also invest in
this electric breast pump next week. Anyone used this one? MW said to not spend £80 on one and that the £30 one would be fine. Shall freeze into icecube tray and also leave a bottle for OH fresh each day.
I seem to have plenty of milk so was planning on just expressing at random times, probably when LO goes down for a sleep. Sound ok? My boobs often feel overfull and a bit sore so whenever I can releive the pressure seems to make sense to me. Also LO has no routine whatsoever atm so I can never predict when he'll feed etc.
I've also gotten the NUK bottles and teats for feeding. HV recommended them so thought I'd give them a whirl first. Anyone use these and if so how did you find them? We got the narrower ones to ensure LO still has to put some effort into sucking so he doesn't get too used to an easy bottle feed and then maybe get lazy on my boob.