I must be doing your head in with all these BFing questions now
I tried expressing some milk today to see how it went and if I could do it etc. I could only get out one ounce of milk and that took me ages, about 45mins
I tried a couple of times throughout the day and still got hardly anything
This is making me worry again that Kieran isn't getting enough because if I can only express one ounce then that's surely all he's getting before it stopps aswell?
My milk did flow better when I put Kieran on my other boob at the same time as expressing but still only managed an ounce
Does how much you express mean that is all baby can get when they are feeding? Any tips on how to be able to get more milk out when I do express? Why did I only get 1oz, surely I should be able to get alot more out than that and in a shorter time too?
Again, sorry for all the questions

I tried expressing some milk today to see how it went and if I could do it etc. I could only get out one ounce of milk and that took me ages, about 45mins

This is making me worry again that Kieran isn't getting enough because if I can only express one ounce then that's surely all he's getting before it stopps aswell?

My milk did flow better when I put Kieran on my other boob at the same time as expressing but still only managed an ounce

Does how much you express mean that is all baby can get when they are feeding? Any tips on how to be able to get more milk out when I do express? Why did I only get 1oz, surely I should be able to get alot more out than that and in a shorter time too?
Again, sorry for all the questions