Expressing but dunno how to get more milk


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2012
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I have been expressing but only like once a day as we bottle feed too and had a lot of chaos when bringing LO home. First time was on Monday and I got 40ml manual pump, second time was Wednesday and was 20ml (hand express as pump stopped working- turns out a part was missing left in steriliser lol) I then tried last night and got like 15ml and today been trying in regular to try get more milk but there's nothing. Do I stick to one breast at a time or do both and how can I get a good milk flowing? I'm worried I have stopped producing :(

Tapatalking so I can't see sigs x
best way to up milk suppy is to keep at it, keep feeding and keep expressing, ideally dont give bottles but feed lo at ever opportunity from the boob, i combi fed formula from the first week and could never get my supply to catch up til 6 months when she started refusing formula. fenugreek, oats and domperidone also can help to increase milk supply. dont stress over it, drink plenty of water and hold baby skin to skin as often as possible. the first 6 weeks are the hardest but just keep plodding along and you will worki it all out. if you cant express much try an electric pump if possible but some ppl just cant express much. the more often you do it the better you get at it and morning and middle of the night are often the best times to get the most milk. tweetyfoo is the expressing queen so id pm her for tips :)
I have been expressing but only like once a day as we bottle feed too and had a lot of chaos when bringing LO home. First time was on Monday and I got 40ml manual pump, second time was Wednesday and was 20ml (hand express as pump stopped working- turns out a part was missing left in steriliser lol) I then tried last night and got like 15ml and today been trying in regular to try get more milk but there's nothing. Do I stick to one breast at a time or do both and how can I get a good milk flowing? I'm worried I have stopped producing :(

Tapatalking so I can't see sigs x

Are you just expressing once a day, and formula feeding the rest of the time?

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