Experiencing the first trimester during Covid 19


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Jun 2, 2020
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This is my first pregnancy and we found out last week. I am a primary teacher and have been working with key worker children/ vulnerable children. The current guidance is that I should not be going into school and my head teacher has been incredibly understanding. The problem I have found now is that my colleagues are now contacting me and worrying that I am sick, I feel in an awkward position and I don't want to lie to them.

My husband is also a teacher and will be going into school. It is hard not to feel nervous with everything going on. We decided to book an early scan has reasurance that it is a viable pregnancy. I will be 6 weeks and 4 days during the scan so I appreciate that there is not 100% chance of a heart beat etc. The hope is just to get some reasurance. It's hard not to overthink things whilst also in lockdown and feeling like I am letting my staff and children down.

Physical symptons so far: continous mild cramping, tender breasts and they do seem to have grown, tired a lot and overheated. The cramping did have me panic googling at times, however the cramps are not painful just irritating.

How is everyone else dealing with this and have you any words of wisdom please?
I found out just before lock-down was announced and am now nearly 16 weeks. The things I've taken as good points are:

1. No travelling into work with bad morning sickness
2. Having my husband around to wait on me (invaluable when cooking smells make me feel sick)
3. Being able to relax on the sofa whilst working from home.

I think essentially you just have to look after yourself and do what your body is telling you to do. If it says rest, then rest and eat what you feel like eating :) Take it one day at a time and hopefully it'll soon reach a point where we can go back to something like a normal existence.

As to your colleagues you could just say you have a medical condition that means you have to stay home for the time being. It's not technically a lie and should stop any more questions.
This is my first pregnancy and we found out last week. I am a primary teacher and have been working with key worker children/ vulnerable children. The current guidance is that I should not be going into school and my head teacher has been incredibly understanding. The problem I have found now is that my colleagues are now contacting me and worrying that I am sick, I feel in an awkward position and I don't want to lie to them.

My husband is also a teacher and will be going into school. It is hard not to feel nervous with everything going on. We decided to book an early scan has reasurance that it is a viable pregnancy. I will be 6 weeks and 4 days during the scan so I appreciate that there is not 100% chance of a heart beat etc. The hope is just to get some reasurance. It's hard not to overthink things whilst also in lockdown and feeling like I am letting my staff and children down.

Physical symptons so far: continous mild cramping, tender breasts and they do seem to have grown, tired a lot and overheated. The cramping did have me panic googling at times, however the cramps are not painful just irritating.

How is everyone else dealing with this and have you any words of wisdom please?

Hi Cheryl-
I am currently 6 weeks pregnant and am experiencing cramping. It's not severe enough to where I am doubled over and can't move, but it has been going on for about 4 hours now. I'm praying it is normal. No bleeding though. This is my second pregnancy, but my first child is 11.5 years old, so it feels like I'm experiencing it all over again for the first time. I don't remember cramping with my first child. I have an appt with my doctor tomorrow and am hoping for some reassurance.

Being pregnant during COVID does have me being even more cautious - even though I don't know how I can be any more careful than I already am.
I’m around 8 weeks pregnant now and a key worker (midwife). I carry on as normal seeing patients until 28 weeks, when I’ll need to work from home doing admin. the guidance from RCOG is that your employer should implement the necessary precautions to keep pregnant front line staff safe :)
I'm a key worker.. I work in Aldi and I'm 8+1 now.. I'm still working as normal and then at 28 weeks I'll be 'suspended' on full pay for maternity rights as its impossible for me to work from home. As long as you're workplace are following all the precautions and putting things in place to keep you safe I belive you can still go to work. Wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy! X
I have been at home since March and the day after I found out I was expecting. My work were extra cautious and sent me home due to my asthma. So I was very lucky that I didn’t have to tell anyone early.
I have been home working for over 6 weeks now, which has helped keep me busy.

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