Experienced users of reusable nappies please help!


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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I would very much appreciate it if anyone who knows a lot about reusables could have a look at this page: http://www.nappytimes.co.uk/page7.htm and let me know if the type of nappies they are describing are any good and easy to use. I am considering the laundry service they have up here, but I just don't quite get what they are explaining!
These are prefold nappies and I use them. I know a lot of people find them fiddly but I don't have a problem with them. Aside from terries they are probably one of the more economical nappies - I just got hold of a birth to potty set of them for less than £70 (was £48 and £20 postage from ebay). I love shaped nappies but at £5-£12 a nappy even in a set they just weren't an option for us.

Basically they are cotton almost square nappies that have a thicker layer in the middle. You fold them different ways depending on if you have a boy or a girl. The cotton folded nappy is then placed on a wrap and put on the baby. You can also buy liners for them that are flushable but not much use for newborns as the poo tends to go straight through them.

I find them fairly quick to dry (obviously not a worry if you're using a laundry service) and fold them up after they are dry so it doesn't take any longer to put them on than a disposable.

Hope that helps but if you want more detail on them let me know!
That makes sense, thanks! I'm so confused because there are so many kinds! Also, I don't know whether to actually do the laundry service or not. It would be a lot easier, but my sister-in-law is giving us 15 bamboo shaped nappies. I don't know much about them other than just that so far, and that they looked like cute little lambs hanging on her radiator. She said that 15 isn't enough, though, and I'm not sure whether I will like these or not, so I'm looking into the alternatives just in case. I know I definitely want to use reusables, but that is all I know.
I looked into our laundry service and apart from the drying being the only issue we have it didn't work out cheaper from me. In fact it was probably more expensive than disposables. I used eco disposables for the first couple of weeks, mostly because I didn't want to invest in a bunch of nappies, give birth to a giant baby and then have wasted money on them!

Give the bamboo ones a go, definitely. The main issue with them is the drying time - about the same as a towel if not a bit more because of layers of boosters etc.

It's trial and error really seeing what suits - have a look on ebay as there are some bargains to be had on single nappies.

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