reusable nappies!


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2010
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hi girls... could you help me please? i am seriously considering reusable nappies. however i have no clue whatsoever.

what do i need?
how many do i need?
which are better?
and how do you use them? ie with the inserts etc

so sorry if i am being thick but really think i want to invest in some of these... xx
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Check your local council as you may be able to get a grant from them x

yeah will check with council about that hun... just thought id ask you ladies for all possible info. been having a look on ebay at some of them. 7 nappies and 14 inserts for £22. looks like a good deal to me. however just need opinions and help from you girls to decide which are best ones and how many etc... plus how do they really work? i read on one site that you need 12 nappies but that depends on the frequency of laundry etc. xx
I have tried so many to get the right ones, it's madness! But also very fun and addictive lol :)

Do you have a tumble dryer you'll be using to dry them?
Will they need to be super easy to use (eg for childminder/reluctant Dad)?

You get Bamboo, Cotton and Microfibre ones in terms of what they're made of - Bamboo is most absorbent but Microfibre dry quickest. The best I've found are a mix of Microfibre and Cotton then I use boosters made from Bamboo.
I love All-in-ones as they are easy to put on and you can stick the whole thing in the wash without separating the outer etc. However, they are more expensive and you need to buy more.
With the two-part nappies I find I need about 3 outers and 6-7 inserts a day. Plus boosters as Lizzie is quite a heavy wetter!
BEcky - if you have the all in ones - do you need inserts as well??

I've just started having a nosey - and am very confused. lol

im so.confused with them. the way i understand it with the all in ones is that there is a pocket for an insert (booster) for added absorption etc but then you need liners to put in the nappy to "catch the poo" which i believe can be disposable or reusable???

with the all in ones i am guessing you would need to change these as a whole everytime you change the nappy. what with all these inserts and liners etc this is where i get confused! im thinking of just buying say two nappies and a few liners and inserts and "try them" see how we get on and if those "two" work gradually add more?

becky where do you get them from? there is a shop.on ebay selling single nappies for £2.35 free postage and then the inserts etc at the moment are packs of two for £1.99

sound any good? xx
My all-in-ones have the insert built in so you can use them on their own. They obviously take a little longer to dry as the insert is inside a waterproof cover iykwim. Totsbots easyfits are great as you can pull the insert half out to dry it quicker. I do also use boosters (for more absorbency) with mine purely because Lizzie wees a lot!

Munchkin you may be thinking of pocket nappies? The are a waterproof layer and fabric layer with a hole in the end to poke an insert in - I hate these! They are so much hassle IMO lol!

I use disposable liners for catching poo as it's easier to deal with - just peel it off with your hand covered in a nappy sack and chuck the poo away. The disposable liners are like a really thin soft tissue paper. I did try reusable liners but Lizzie still often does runny baby poos so not really easy to cope with! It'd be ok if her poos were solid all the time!

I don't know if I am allowed to put where I got my all-in-one nappies from on here as it's another forum and might be classed as advertising or something, will PM you! The prefold nappies I use are mothercare smartnappy, you just fold the insert over itself 3 times, put it in the outer, add and booster and liner if you want and they're good to go. Prefer them to pocket nappies as the insert and booster sit on top of the outer. Smartnappy outers have sort of a 'sling' to put the insert in - I prefer them to bambino mios which are similar but the outer is literally a shaped bit of plastic.

Hope this kind of helps, it's a minefield! :)
The tots bots sounds good. Just read a review which said - "as close to a disposable as cloth gets" - which i quite like the sound of - as i have lots of people wanting to babysit (at the mo) - i think that kinda thing would prob be easier.

oh my wow they are pricey :-( are they really that different to the cheapy pocket ones that claim to be like a disposable too? £2.35 per nappy rather than £16 is much more affordable for me :-/ xx
I know it's a lot but if you're lazy like me then it's worth it - all the stuffing and handling of wee-covered inserts really puts me off using my pocket nappies. If I only have a couple of pocket nappies in my box then I tend to 'ignore' them and reach for the disposables. I know I'm naughty...
hmmm... ive seen two ads on ebay... one where it says you take them out to wash etc and one that says you dont have to because they come out in the wash anyway? this is where i am getting confused. obviously if i can get as many nappies for as cheap as possible then that would be ideal :-) xx
Mine come out in the wash about 2 times out of 3 but obviously that 3rd time means I have to put that nappy back in the 'dirty' pile! So I always take mine out just in case :) Don't want to put you off though - can you buy a couple to test out and then buy some more in a couple of days or is it a private seller?
i believe they are both major nappy sellers on there... you can buy individual nappies or bundles of say 6 or more etc. they also do a pack of 2 inserts for £1.99 at the moment too...

am i allowed to post a link? it would be so.much easier to show you. you can also see the different care instructions for them too... which is adding to my confusion as is rhe fact that some can be used without the booster insert aswell? xx
yeah youre allowed to post a link, I do it all the time :lol:

Its brill to hear my confusion put into words munch :rofl:

I have some in the house and Im still confused
pmsl titch ;-) (confused about that too haha! still cant get used to it ;-))

right becky...i know i pm-d you the links but here are the links I am looking at on Ebay...

The last link (£2.35 each nappy) I've just realised only goes up to a rough size of 28lbs! Layla was 19lb 2oz last monday! So not sure about those now lol

See what you think and maybe you could let me know which ones you would advise are the best? I really cannot afford the tots bots ones... OH wouldn't let me spend that much on them! xx
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I would strongly reccomend getting a few different types, you never know what will work best for you. I spent a bit on nappeis in the beginning but got all my money back by selling them on (i bought them all second hand) but fell totally in love with BumGenius Flip nappies and have since bought 14 outers and 28 inners for them. They are ideal for us, really absorbant, really slim fitting and quick to dry!

We have enough now for Ivy-Mae as well as Jasper though we might have to do one extra nappy wash a week.

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