Expectant mums on anti depressants?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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Anyone on here on them or if you dont want to be public pm? Im basically off to the docs this afternoon to get some because ive not been on any since i found out ive been pregnant.

Was fine until a few weeks ago and the old thoughts came creeping back and my brain has been chaos - I think too much and its always the wrong thing and I get so stressed and worked up quickly and at the end of thed day its my kids i need to think of as well as myself. Im not saying im not thinking of the baby - I know they do some pregnancy safe ones.

But im worried they are going to make out im a hypochondriac - and I know im not.

Best to lay truth out properly maybe in full detail so he gets the hint how bad ive been?
They wont make you out to be a hypochondriac! No one if perfect! Looking after a toddler is hard enough as it is (that's what a large glass of wine was invented for wasnt it?) let a lone with the extra hormones and symptoms you get while pregnanct (and without the bloody wine to help cope!)

All mums need help in one way or another! Never judge yourself on that!
Woops i'm an idiot. Just see on your sig that you have more than one kids!

Woops! Sorry!
One autistic 7 year old, one 4 year old who most of the time is great - riley 10.5 months and a real handful and sick at the moment and pregnant.

Stress is pounding me big time!:shakehead:
Know exactly how you feel id lay it straight on the table, was just reading my pregnancy book and it mentioned feeling this way and to make sure you let them know its more than a case of "feeling a bit down"

Maybe i need to do something too...

Anyway really hope you can get sorted and of course your thinking of this baby too, your going to ask for help! xxx
My little brother has Aspergers so I can understand the 'extra' stress that comes with that! Big time!
Thanks everyone, all i have done is whinge recently but hopefully some new meds and I will be feeling better and back to being silly again which would be great!!
A friend of mine had to take these during her 3rd pregnancy and they were pregnancy safe ones - it is better to ask for help than to stress out and struggle on alone hun

Id like to say the appointment went well, it did in the sense that I walked away with Fluxotine which is what I was on before and they worked really well for me. Bad news, small risk of heart problems. But will worry bout that if it comes to it.

But, the doctor kept not nit picking but lots of questions. Whenever I have spoke to my mental health nurse she takes my word for it that im not well, so I felt a little 'violated'. Felt judged though. But dont have to go back again its on repeat prescription.
Thats good that you've got something to help though. There's nothing worse than feeling depressed (and thats without the added hormones of pregnancy).

Was It a "new" doctor you saw? The first one i ever saw give me pills without much of a question because he new i was nursing my flat mate through depression - and figured I knew the signs myself - but when i went back a couple of years later i had one who did the lots of questions thing.

Glad your sorted hunni some gp's drive me crazy!!!

Thinking of you tho and if you ever wanna chat feel free to pm me xxx
Glad your sorted hunni some gp's drive me crazy!!!

Thinking of you tho and if you ever wanna chat feel free to pm me xxx

Thanks jojo I really appreciate it and not nice to know someones in the same boat as me, but good to know im not alone. Thanks hun.

Id love to be over the moon with my pregnancy I really would and im trying too be and im hoping my pills kick in properly and I 'feel' something' but gender scan soon and im getting a tiny bit excited about it so im guessing thats good!
i was on them for a few years but when i got pregnant my dr advised me to come off them x x it was hard x i have to go back to see dr once a month to check im doing ok which i am so hopefully ill be off them for good now x x good luck to you honey i know its hard x x

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