

Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
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Hi everyone,
I'm wondering if you can give me some advice. I train weekly with a pt and take regular spin classes. I'm not crazy fit or anything, I'm actually overweight. I just found out I'm pregnant and wonder what exercises are good and which ones are ok to be done in this early stage. I want to minimise my weight gain (obviously) as I put weight on so so easily!!

Thank you in advance!
Avoid stuff that affects your abdomen/core

Swimming running spinning etc are still fine providing you fe well to do so
Just dont overdo it and dont take up anything new x
I think the advice is, if you were doing it before then it's ok to continue. Just don't exert yourself too much and take into account the extra tiredness etc.

It's hard to say but try and not worry too much about weight gain either. There's plenty of time to think about that after baby's here (and I say this from the perspective that I have a BMI of 31!) xx
I had been exercising quote a bit before I found out. I was doing a LOT of weights etc. the advice I have been given is that cycling is fine, walking/running and light rowing but nothing extreme. My adbice would be to have a confidential conversation with one of the trainers/session leaders and ask their advice.

I was told that cycling is fine S long as there's not much resistance and you don't go too fast/out so I'm not sure about spinning tbh because the classes can be quite intense.
Youll know yourself how it feels when you do it
If its a struggle you stop
If its fine and no risk of falling over or bumping yourself then keep going
Just dont overdo it x

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