exercise and sliming world


Apr 2, 2008
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hi i ve only just found out i am pregnant think i am only 5 weeks. does anyone know about exercise i am a member of the gym! since i found out i have been i was thinking of just going swimming is that ok?

I joined slimming world when i was TTC i was planning on still going during the pregancy. has anyone one else done this.
thanks louise
If you tell the gym that you're preggers then they will advise you what is safe to do and what itsn't, you may have to use the equipment more carefully too so as not to strain anything.
You can still go to slimming world but you need a card that is signed by your midwife to say that it's ok for you to go (slimming world should give you one) and you're allowed extra A's and B's. I carried on going to slimming world in my first pregnancy but it didn't help control my weight very much so thought it was a waste of money when i knew what to do on my own, it does work for some though :)
My gp said I could continue using the cross trainer for 30 mins every day - I havent :roll: but I do plan to start again, Id love to know what you think of SW while preggers Im thinking of joining, I dont want to gain half what I gained with my son :wall:
I went to slimming world for the first 6months of my pregnancy but as i said it didn't help, i ended up going from a pre-birth weight of 9.7st to post 13st! I only managed to shift half of it in 2 years!! My MW now thinks that last time i may have had pregnancy diabietes(sp?) that's why i gained so much and why Aiden was so big, i'm going to be tested this time as if i put on the same weight i will go to a staggering 15st!!!!
Hi :wave: Not sure about the gym stuff but i was going to weightwatchers when i fell pregnant and they wouldnt let me stay as they said they arent allowed to take pregnant women or for the first 6 weeks after, dunno about slimming world though :hug:
Re exercise, I was told it was safe to do the amount you usually do provided you feel up to it - doctor even said situps were OK but I decided against. Swimming is great in last tri when the bump is so heavy. Personally, I woundn't worry about SW - I put on weight really easily but found that with BF and a good walk a day it came off fairly easily aftrewards. Your body will do what it needs to regardless. I would just follow a healthy balanced diet with a little of what you fancy. Your diet when pg is so limited anyway I wouldn't want to have any more restrictions.
All the best.
I go to aerobics once a week??? Not sure if this will still be ok? Probably wont feel up to it in a few weeks mind you :bored:
Like others have said, ask in the Gym what's the best excersize to do.

I was still going to Slimming World to get weighed every week up till around 15 weeks but I found that my tastes changed so much that I couldn't really follow the diet and couldn't be bothered paying to get told I'd put on weight every week so I stopped. I didn't want to become obssessed.

They will give you a booklet though, advising on what to eat. I've just found out I've got gestational diabetes so am using a lot of SW recipies and stuff - you might just find you need a bit more bread (and a lot more chocolate!)

Good luck!

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