Excruciating nipple pain


Aug 11, 2016
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Hey ladies!

I hope someone can help me because I'm suffering so much!
DD2 has been EBF for 12 weeks now and aside from the painful first 2 weeks, it's been quite easy. But now, since a few days, today being the worst, I have this excruciating pain in one nipple. As soon as she latches on, I want to scream in pain. It starts in the nipple and then spreads to the inner breast tissue.
I don't have any lumps and the milk seems drained after a feeding.
I went to a GP today and she suspected it was thrush but DD2 lacks white spots in her mouth and I only have one painful nipple/breast. I thought thrush affects both breasts?! I started the treatment with an antifungal cream but am wondering that if it really was thrush, how is a topical ointment going to clear the pain inside?!

Any ideas?
The first thing I thought when I read this was thrush, personally never had it myself but a few ladies in my bf group did and they described the same thing, hopefully it is thrush so that the treatment works quickly! Sounds awful, hope it gets better soon x
Thrush was also my first thought though I've also never had it myself. I hope it clears up quickly for you. Assuming it is thrush, I believe that both you and DD need treatment though even if she hasn't got symptoms yet as you can pass it to her.
I actually decided to not continue the treatment. I think I was misdiagnosed. I still do not have pain in my other breast and nipple and the pain in the painful nipple has diminished.
It still hurts a bit when she latches on but not as much as before. I think I had nipple trauma and it needed a bit of time to heal. I will see what happens. Thanks for replying ladies!x
If you think it's nipple trauma, could you experiment a bit with positioning as that may help it heal quicker?
If you think it's nipple trauma, could you experiment a bit with positioning as that may help it heal quicker?
Yes I actually tried being a bit less lazy in bed, when she wants a night feed lol
I hold my breast and angle her head a bit more now so my nipple isn't as twisted. I would sometimes fall asleep with her still drinking and wake up an hour later or so, still latched. I'm not sure it was that, but her latch at that point is less than ideal...x
Hi I know I’m late to this but I’m 12 weeks in with breastfeeding and it’s going great however I have nipple pain sometimes I notice it’s more when he’s overly hungry and latches badly or he’s not in a good position. Sometimes he’s just more eager with getting onto the breast and will cause some pinching but normally I take him off and relatch. If you haven’t yet tried it rugby ball position helps. I hope it got sorted
Hi I know I’m late to this but I’m 12 weeks in with breastfeeding and it’s going great however I have nipple pain sometimes I notice it’s more when he’s overly hungry and latches badly or he’s not in a good position. Sometimes he’s just more eager with getting onto the breast and will cause some pinching but normally I take him off and relatch. If you haven’t yet tried it rugby ball position helps. I hope it got sorted
The pain is still there but manageable. Still only in 1 breast and my DD2 still hasn't got any spots in her mouth. It might be a bad latch but it's not only the nipple, I feel it inside the breast too.
I notice that the pain is worse when she has a lot of feedings. I haven't gone back to the doctor as I suspect it's vasospasms in the nipple. My nipple looks like it's drained of colour sometimes and that is when it's the worst. When I put something cold on it, it's super painful! I will be starting purees in 6 weeks so am trying to hold on till then!x
Could your little on have a slight tongue tie? It only makes me think of this as your nipple looks like it’s drained of colour. Is it lipstick shaped too? If you use FB join - can I breastfeed in it uk support. It’s amazing for help and advice!
Could your little on have a slight tongue tie? It only makes me think of this as your nipple looks like it’s drained of colour. Is it lipstick shaped too? If you use FB join - can I breastfeed in it uk support. It’s amazing for help and advice!
Thanks for the advice! I will look it up!
My DD2 will have to get her shots on Wednesday, so I might ask them to look for a tongue tie.x

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