excersise ball


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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i bought one today and im loving bouncing away lol
the only thing is i had to blow it up myself lol took alot of puff!!! i cant manage to blow it up anymore but as im sat on it it just feels too bouncy and like its not blown up enough but it wont blow up anymore!!
how hard is it supposed to be it just doesnt quite feel right..
We bought a pump. I think you may need one to get it to a decent level to use. Mine was well and truly firm when pumped up.

Your hips need to be higher than your knees and tilting slightly forward to help encourage baby into a good birthing position. Feet flat to flor. Its not all about bouncing ;) Rocking back and forth or swaying or slowly rotating. But the hips being higher and keeping your back straight are important. Slouching (on ball or sofa etc) can encourage your baby into back to back position more easily.
yea i think you will probably need a pump to enjoy it to its full potential.
I pumped mine up then my mum came round and said it wasnt enough so she pumped it up even more and its much better. Feels very hard now to touch with my hand but sitting on it is perfect with just the right bounce to it :D

I sound like an advert!! :lol:
ooh ok mine just takesa bike pump maybe ill buy one then if there not expensive that is!! yeah i dont think im benefiting as my hips arnt really higher then my knees, im just having alot of fun rolling around on it :lol: xxx

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