

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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I have four exams in May, 3 are 3 hours long the other is 2, they are like GCSE, A Level exams where you sit in palstic chairs for hours on end in silence.

I will be betwen 33 and 35 weeks pregnant at this point and ahve been finding sitting for long periods uncomfotable already.

I was wondering what you girlies at this stage thought about it and how you'd be if you had to do exams now, and also what i could try and do to make things maore comfortable for myself.

The individual lecturers are quite understanding about my pregnancy but i dont think in exams they'd really give a shit :roll: they jsut sat us down last year and ignord us all.

At least after they're done i have an entire month of no uni, and only work on weekends to relax, hopefully enjoy warm weather and prepare for her arrival
I think the biggest problem would be needing the loo, and possibly back ache. It's definately do-able though. Good luck with them :hug: :hug:
Totally agree with MM def the backache, mines really hurting at mo, maybe take a pillow in with you? :) Good luck with them :hug: xx
i possibly have an exam to do in may too before i go back to uni and have been looking into this..

because of the nature of our situation, i think they will be quite considerate.. i'm planning to inform the examiners before i sit down and may possibly ask for a seat near the door. it's possible they might give you some extra time as well if you need to go to the loo a few times..

maybe also a good idea to take a pillow for your back bc the seats will be awful..?

good luck :hug:
I sat everyone of my GSCE's when i was between about 28 and 34 weeks pregnant, it was really painful as my back wrecked and she was digging into my ribs.its hard but it can be done! I sat my last at 34 weeks and got an a star so...
Perhaps ask beforehand if you prefer to use a specific chair, one you find more comfortable. You might also like to take a cushion in with you. Also, I would warn the staff that you may need several toilet trips or sometimes you might just need to stretch your legs.

I think as long as you can have a reasonably decent chair and can have enough loo breaks etc you should be fine. It would be 100 times harder to miss these exams and then revise and re-sit with a baby in your life!
maybe one of theose wedge cushions for your back?
My checklist would be

* Find out if the Uni have a policy on pregnant women in exams and if so what it is. Ask to see if you need to provide a Doctors certificate (as a precaution)

* Inform in advance about requesting a seat near the exit and that you will need to a) use the loo a fair bit possibly and b) will have to move around also as you are unable to sit in a chair for longer lengths of time etc (medical reasons for this when PG so it is valid). So will need to be able to get up and move around, even if it means stepping out of the exam room/hall.

* Take a cushion to sit on. Or your own chair even.

* Take fluids to keep yourself hydrated. Exam halls can get very dry and icky even in cooler weather.

* Double check with your MW if there is anything else you should/could be doing to make things safer/easier when sitting for long periods of time.
id definately take a cushion to support your back
ditto what Sherlock said
plus look into whether you can get special consideration by the examiners - they can give it for illness, family problems, even the death of a pet and so i don't see why they shouldn't be able to help somehow there - maybe with a few extra marks or allowing you more time to take into account loo breaks and things.

Good luck :) xxx
Sherry is right.

I had an exam at 13 weeks' pregnant (OU have exams in October) and just mentioned to the invigilators beforehand that I was pregnant and would probably need the loo a lot. They were really understanding and moved my seat to beside the door and let me take as many trips as I needed.

At your stage your biggest problem is going to be sitting still for such a long period of time. It would definitely be worth taking a cushion you're comfortable with (check this is OK in the rules and regs) and going for loo breaks often just so you can stretch your legs.

What course are you doing? Are they scary scary exams? :hug:
i've got two sociology exams and two philosophy exams, they arnt bad (thought i thinkone of the sociology ones may be) you can mainly just write about anything for the whole time and get marks for it. I'm jsut a little owrried as my attendance has been very poor this year, im managing so way, and passing my assignments but the exams feel so close now :( cant wait to have it over and concentrate on baby

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