example birth plan


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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does anyone have a birth plan they wouldnt mind sharing?
I dont know if I should do one or not and I dont really know what to put in it and what layout you should use etc?

Any advice??
In my mat notes there is a form with what u want to happen/don't want. Have a look and see if u have anything in your notes that could help

I'll be filling that out and informing my birth partner so I'm not going to have a formal birth plan other than that form

I think u need to consier if the baby gets the Vitamin K injection, who u want to cut the cord, if u want the jag to get the placenta out. pain relief and any special requests like birthing pool etc
hmmm, I will take a look thanks - havent even read my notes - :oops:
Excuse my ignorance, but what is the Vitamin K injection for?
i just said i dont want to be cut id rather tear and also i dont want him taken out of the room or away from me unless it is for his beninfit (healthwise)
Bee said:

I just googled Vitamin K injection newborns ;)

I think all babys have to have it - either injection or orally

Its down to personal choice. There was a discussion about it over in Ask a Mum recently. Food for thought there anyways.
I said I think they have to have it ;) Suppose it all depends on what u want and the area u live in. I completely forgot about the post in Ask a Mum - I am google addict

No problem Candygirl - I haven't started doing mine yet ut been thnking about some things.

Oh yeah that too Tegala! I want to be cut if it is required ;)
my MW done mine today, theres a page in my notes called "preference for birth" and MW ticked off all the things we talked about and noted down any things i particular want like if i do end up with section they said i can be home within 24 hours :cheer: im the worse patient ever in hsopital so want to come straight home.

she also explained about my hospital having a new security system where they tag the babies so no one can just walk out with a baby or the doors lock and alarm goes off??? i never heard about this, never had it in my last hospital. sounds good though
paradysso said:
she also explained about my hospital having a new security system where they tag the babies so no one can just walk out with a baby or the doors lock and alarm goes off??? i never heard about this, never had it in my last hospital. sounds good though

Wow that sounds good! Our maternity unit in the hospital is brand new and doesn't have that!
didnt get a chance to write one , couldnt see how or when i woulda used it while i as birthing either !

think its more important for your hubby to know your wishes , especially regarding pain releif as by the time u get to being in agony u can barely talk lol

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