EWCM questions


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2015
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Hi everyone! Sending luck and baby dust to everyone TTC!

We are kind of ttc but mostly ntnp I guess? I have never tracked CM or temped or anything like that; I tried OPKs for a couple months once but just couldn't get reliable results from them and ultimately they frustrated me so much I decided not to use them anymore!

So I am kind of casually trying to observe CM; I noticed super stretchy EWCM on CD8 and 10 and then again today (CD 14), but only during arousal and after orgasm (sorry total TMI but I guess that's not really an issue on this forum!). Is that "true" EWCM or something different? In other words, can I only rely on CM if I check it when I'm not aroused or haven't had an orgasm? I don't know if natural lubricant imitates EWCM and therefore doesn't reliably indicate high fertility...

Thanks so much for anyone who answers these questions. My gosh I'm glad this is an anonymous forum, ha!
Hi kholl, you can get several days of ewcm leading up to ovulation. I read that 24 hours after dtd you shoukd assume any cm is no longer sperm (hopefully other ladies will correct me if im wrong). If youve had super stretchy ewcm before dtd then you are definately in your fertile window and should be defo dtd every other day for a few days.natural lube can immitate ewcm but whenever ive used preseed its never stretchy....in fact as sokn as it hits my hand it goes very runny rather than stretchy. I reckon the cm youve had suggests you when you hsd stretchy cm after orgasm. Im no expert on cm but hopefully other ladies will be able to advise more (kat in particular posted a really helpful post on cm a couple of weeks ago and what to look for). Good luck x
The stretchy EWCM is the good stuff. Arousal and orgasm get it moving. Make sure you are hydrated to make the most of it. If it's only around the cervix and top of the vagina it's still okay, but hard to detect. If you get it cd8 then start dtd then and every other day and you'll be covered. You can get it for up to 6 days so cd8-14 makes sense. EWCM remains stretchy if you stretch it repeatedly. Sperm/semen will only stretch a few times. That's how you tell the difference.
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Thanks so much for your replies ladies!
We were/are staying with family for Christmas so only had a chance to dtd once in the last week so likely that wasn’t enough, but now I know what to look for in the future!
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