Help OV Day and EWCM questions!

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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I am confused, didn't get much CM when ovulated , but have never notticed it before this month to be honest.

First day period was wed 7th april, that made cd14 this tuesday gone 20th.
we bed on sat, sun, mon, tue and wed (so upto CD15). We missed yesterday as OH was fed up of the routene and joined the 2WW.

Now I came home from work, felt wet (TMI) and wiped and got what I think is that Egg white CM you girls have been going on about spotting. Was stretchy between the tissue (No Bonny, Pippa and Wilma, I didn't touch it myself!) and so what does that mean!! my period was two days early last month so if it arrived when due on the friday 9th that would make cd14 yesterday, and so when oh gets back in , I am going to pounce just incase it's not too late.

What do you think? Can you ovulate later eg cd16/17 and then still have period arrive on the same day, but doesn't that give you a short LP and thats not as good, or do you expect cycle length to get longer than 14 days?

This is all soo confusing!!!

How long does the EWCM last if OV day?

Is EWCM also an early sign of conception ? (wishful thinking!)

Thanks X
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I'm not sure this will help but I normally have 29/30 day cycles. The month I concieved I used ov sticks and ovulated on day 17 so you might be ovulating later than you thought. Just in case make sure you ponce on D/H later and good luck x x
:wave:I would pounce just in case lol. I am as confused as you. Im relying on Ovulation kits as wouldnt have a clue otherwise. Ive tried to evaluate CM but not sure about that. I tried monitoring BBT and its all over the place so gave up. Ha Ha how complicated are we?? Ive spent most of my life trying not to get preg n now want to its not as easy as I thought :wall2:aaargghh!! sorry not much help!
I'm not too sure jj sorry. I do know that ewcm is a sign of preg but maybe not this early?? Sorry I'm not much help. I took my af same day as you but I'm still getting ov cramps so I don't know either. Bd anyway if you can. I will too but hinny says he's empty lol
Pounce away Hun! Can't believe u didn't try to stretch it btween your fingers though!
I think if u hav ov late your cycle might be a couple of days longer this month.
I read today that the lp can vary from 10-16 days, I think mine is at the longer end of that range though
fingers crossed this is ov and u get your bfp!
Do you have any ov tests you could try just to see if it is? I just took one and it's neg so at least I know we bd at the right time x
Thanks girls , consider my OH well and truely pounced!! May try another tomorow to be on the safe side.

PP, my hubby says he is empty too! (funny blokes)
Plus I haven't got any ovulation tests, never used those yet, was going to look into them next month

Bonny, I am normally always 28 days, and after the MC last month I was 26 days, so seems strange to get longer ? If I did have a longer cycle , and was lucky enougth to get a bfp, how would that effect a due date as the LMP date remains the same?

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