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Evie Rose Barfoot Born 10/09/08 at 00.32am weighing 8lb 10oz


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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Well what a surprise she was 4 days late but once she decided to come she wasted no time!!!I was due to be induced on thursday at 41 weeks due to my high blood pressure when I went for my ctg on monday the midwife did a sweep,which she wsnt very hopeful would work as my cervix was still high and firm I was only 1 cm dilated. Soo i was a bit disheartened cause I had a nightmre time with Rhys birth as I was induced then and I really wanted to start naturally this time.
anyway I woke up tuesday morning I felt a bit strange but didnt think anything of it and I fell asleep watching jeremy kyle. I woke up about half 10 and went to the toilet and felt a bit of a gush so thought it was my waters it turned out that it wasnt -however about 11 i started to have mild contractions which were 10 - 15 minutes apart. I still wasnt sure if it was it so I caried on just pottering and my MIL was ready to go to hospital bless her. About 2 I thought id ring DH to come home from work as I thought I might be having contractions. They werent really painful but some were more intense than others.still 10 mins apart. I went to the hospital wen DH came home and were there for 5 hours till half 9 for them to say that I was still the same as yesterday when I had the sweep and that these werent real contractions and I could be like it for days.However as it is my second it could change suddenly!!!

So I went home,and had a bath. All of a sudden they seemed to get stronger and more intense in my bum-I couldnt sit down through one. I was really shaking uncontrollably and crying that i couldnt do it anymore.I was convinced tat it was going to be like last time and that they will tell me im only 4 cms so i need to go in and get something for the pain. Andy rang the hospital and when he put the phone down Istood up and had the massive urge to push - I shouted that I need to go now. we had only been home for an hour. They kept coming then and at one point I said I couldnt go down the stairs and i wanted to stay at home but my MIL and DH got me down the stairs and into the car.My SIL came to the hospital with us so i had someone with me in the car and when we got there my DH dropped me off and parked the car. I had 3 contractions going in and thwe urge to push was getting stronger even though by now i was convuinced that i just needed the toilet.
They showed me into the labour room and went to get me some water as I put my bag on the bed I felt this clunk and dropping feeling and a gush and my body just really started to push on its own. I started shouting that I really need to push. I petrified my SIL who ran out to get Andy who was stuck outside labour ward. 2 midwifes rushed in and I heard them say waters have gone and they were trying to get me to climb on the bed.I was shouting that I think i need the toilet as i hadnt been yet and i cant push cause i was going to have an epidural.by thi time andy had come in and they got me on the bed. They examined me and said cant feel the cervix - oh theres the head. By this time i was pushing again and shouting that i needed gas and air or an epidural and its going to hurt.- no time ut with every contration I just pushed as hard as I could and let out an almighty scream i really dont know where it came from. not through pain iit didnt really hurt at that point I cant explain it. Anyway 3 pushes later she was crowning and another 2 she was out. I couldnt believe it!!!
I asked the midwife how long was my labour and she said 18 minutes.... you dont know how close you came to having a car park baby.

Compared to my 36 hour labour with Rhys,I was so pleased and my beautiful princess weighed 8lb 10ozs. I ended up wwith a 2nd degree tear and I was home by lunchtime!!!!


3 days old

with my big brother.

Awww wow what a fast labour thats amazing!! I know what you mean about letting out a scream that came from nowhere..its when your body is really pushing..i did that too and i didnt een try to scream it just came out..lol!

Well done on the birth of your princess! shes the same weight Hayden was :)
Lovely name too xx

What a fast labour whooohoooo hun.

Just seen the pics,
Aww she is beautiful.
Love the one with her big brother awwwwwww so cute.
Now that it the type of birth story i love to read! :rotfl: :rotfl: (actually I love them all!)

Also, its funny because that is exactly how quickly mine is going to pop out! :pray: :pray:

Seriously, congratulations, I cant wait for some pics :hug:
:cheer: Wow! What an amazing birth story! MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!

You were amazing :clap: Your kids are beautiful xx
Wow what a quick arrival, she's a speedy girl and so so cute. congratulations.
OMG 18 minutes?
Girl, send us some dust our ways when labour is in for us. 18 minutes thats awesome!!!
Congrats, she is gorgeous :cheer:
Aaawwwwwwwwww she's adorable!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Congratualtions Mummy and baby Evie Rose, what a beautifully pretty name :hug:
Yey on the quick birth too, Ophelia wanted out quickly too, girls can be so good to us Mummy's sometimes hehe Enjoy your baby girl :hug:

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