**Evie Grace** Born 6th Sept 08 Weighing 6lb 13oz

Awwww babe poor you :hug: am really annoyed with that midwife for lettin you push so long :hug: So sorry you had to go through all that but Evie is absolutely gorgeous and it was really interesting to read how you found pethidine made you feel - thanks for sharin your story with us xxxxx
she is beautiful, such a pretty baby well done you!!! I had tons of stitches when i had Ava and its horrid, so bloody painful!!! xxxxxxxxxxx
wwww hun you got through it which is amazing.
I felt mine was traumatic but stangely enough its true that the memory fades with time.

Child birth is like nothing else & although it did not go smoothly you got through it hun & that is one hell of an achievement.

I remember when my contractions were hitting the 100,s thinking oh this aint to bad.
Oh my god that was nothing compared to the pain I felt when pushing her out.
It felt like pure torture & I had to be cut so they could get her out.
The stiches as you will know are uncomfy & its hard to get comfy lol.
Luckily it does not take to long to settle down (although it feels like it at the time lol)

Dannii Evie is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. She is so cute & pretty.

Well worthy any pain I am sure you'll agree.

Once again well done Dannii.

Enjoy motherhood its amazing.

Make sure you sleep when she sleeps lol.

Danni shes beautiful and you did so great considering everything going on! well done you (sitting here with tears in my eyes writing this!)

She is a beautiful little girl and you are very lucky to have her in your life - youl be a wonderful mum as i said to you a while back :)
Thank you so much for your birth story, it's very honest and detailed. I think it's really good to read about the more traumatic births as well as the easier ones, to help feel prepared.

Sorry you had to go through so much though; I'm glad it's all now behind you and Evie is in your arms!

She's a beautiful little girl with a beautiful strong Mummy and I just know you'll be a very happy family :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww was waiting for u 2 pop think thats every one i knew when i was waiting to pop..... :hug: shame u had such a rough time evie is stunning you done well... xxx
Well done for writing your birth story Dannii, I really hope it helps you with regards your difficult labour and coming to terms with it all :hug: :hug: :hug: Evie is beautiful, and you are going to be such a wonderful Mummy to her, very very best wishes, take it easy :hug: :hug: :hug:

With regards the labour and birth, please talk about it and get support where you need it, your labour has many similarities to mine with Isaac and I know how low things got after the birth, so if you feel low, I do hope you talk to people about it and find a way through the memory to a happy place, because you deserve that :hug:
OMG Congratulations!!!!!!

Well done you!!!! She is absolutely beautiful :)

Big hugs xxx
Congratulations Dannii!
What a beautiful little girl Evie is. SO cute.
And well done...sounds like you had a tough time.
Lucyx :hug:
:hug: :hug: Congrats hun, she is gorgeous.

Your labour sounds a bit like mine and the traumer does ease, i am a lot less bothered by it than i was for the first few weeks :0

look after yourself, love to you both! xx
Congratulations hun!!!!

You are so so brave!!! Well done for going throught it all!!
And Evie is such an amazing little girl!! She is lovely!!

Btw, you looked great in labor! I had a c-section and still looked much worse then you did! lol

:hug: :hug: :hug:
What can I say but genuinely...well done.

You're story made my eyes cry from the start... what you said about your mum.... :hug:

Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous.

Take care xxxxxxxxxx
:dance: congratulations Danni, she is so gorgeous, well done chick!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have only just got round to reading this, and the reason why is because I was scared to, I know you had quite a traumatic time and I havent been able to read any labour threads yet Especially yours. I am so glad I did, you went through so much and still you are very positive and look at the gorgeous bundle of joy you have got at the end of it.
Reading this thread has given me inspiration.

Well done Dannii xxx :hug:
Oh congratulations, I got a bit emotional looking at your photo's with your mum there rubbing your back, your so lucky to have such a supportive mum.

P.S Evie is gorgeous.

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