Ever have one of those days?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2009
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I think I'm having 'one of those days'

1. Missed the recycle bin collection this morning, meaning my bins are full for another week.

2. Niamh hide my bank cards out of my purse, which I only noticed when I was about to leave the house and have only just found now, under the fridge!

3. Went to get ready to go to Tesco, tried to put carseat in my sisters car and the seatbelt had totally jammed and after much huffing and puffing we only make it tighter so car seat is totally stuck. Ring garage, and they say that ith the model of car we have the only option is to cut the belt :( So I did, and it will cost £200 to repair!

4. Got in the car, finally and realised Nim's done a poo. get out and change her.

5. Lock car keys in car, have to find spare set.

6. Finally get to Tescos, and had to use the only credit card I had on me that Nim hadn't thieved and so had to do a teeny tiny shop as there isn't much on it. Card gets declined in front of everyone, so sister pays half in cash.

7. Get home and realised we forget to get two of the key ingredients for tonights dinner. Have to go back to Tesco.

8. Get home, realise we forgot dog food and now my sister has gone to Pets At Home to get more as it shuts at 8.

Someone upstairs is having a good laugh at me today I think :lol:
aww i feel sorry for u this is a bad bad bad day lol , Good old pets at home eh i get all my stuff from there too
I have had bad days... But I think you take first place with that day! Poor you :hug: Sounds like a right carry on x
:hug:awww hun hugs to you. Tomorrow will be better I hope! x
Aww what a crappy day chick :hug: i was really hoping this week would get better for you xx
i hate days like that.

not long ago i pulled off the drive wanged into the car parked opposite,

on way to daughters hospital appt and couldnt find a space to park so parked on the road and
got a parking ticket even though i have a blue badge it was a place that didnt accept them although there was no signs and was 20 other cars there like,

messed up daughters hosp appt so i didnt need to even be there so could of just stayed in bed
Oh yes I had one of them last week
not quite on your scale but.........
it actually started a few days earlier but came to a head last Thursday :lol:

1. Water not running hot anymore except if tap on as full as it will go.

2. Replace tap in kitchen, simple job eh? 6 hours later and the water has to be turned off in the street as our stop tap is knackered.

3. Plumber mate comes out, we need new stop tap and diaphrgm for boiler, he fixes kitchen tap.
hot water hit and miss
^^^^^ all on saturday

4. get new diaphram, told is easy job. :roll:

5. Ant has to dismantle it a few times and push rod is sticking

6. now without any hot water at all

7. New plumber/heating mates come out, umming and ahhhing I leave for work.

8. Walking to work (1 1/2 mile) it starts bloody snowing i have dolly shoes on.

9. get to work take shoe off and have the biggest blister I have ever seen.

10. Hear phone ring in kitchen at work, was Ant need new boiler!!!!!!

So you are not alone love xxxx :rofl:
Oh no *hugs* hope you've now got your feet up

& you Jo with your smelly blister :lol:
Shurrup Wibbles
out of all of that you pick up on my blister!!

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