Essential oils


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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I've got an oil burner to use during labour and have lavender essential oil as I love lavender and have checked with my mw if lavender oil is ok to use. I'm using the oil burner alongside my hypnotherapy cd to try to link the smell of lavender to my hypnosis. Does anyone know of any other relaxing essential oils? I will check with my mw if they're safe too of course x
The only essentail oil we're allowed to use at work on pregnant ladies or on ourseleves is Rosewood which i hate!! During this pregnancy i've still used other oils at work though like lime and lemon as i like citrus smells! Ive been told your not meant to use essentail oils but if you already do it shouldn't harm the baby! I think it's more for first trimester that you've gotta be more careful!
My mw said because it's not coming into contact with my skin and as long as I'm not sat right next to it and I'm following the instructions correctly that to put it on an oil burner (lavender oil this is) is fine. Ugh I hate the rosewood smell too! Think I'll stick to lavender, it really relaxes me and I have used it for years (my grandma used it all the time so it reminds me of her!) x thank you so much LM x
I've got a book upstairs but hubbie is on nights I'll check later PM me if I forget xx

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