

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
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So I phoned the hospital this morning to make my appointment to have the ERPC.

She was going through the risks with me on the phone explaining regarding the anesectic & the risking of scaring on the inside.

I buckled & had to cancel and tell her I need to think about it.

:( This is so tough, medical route don't seem to be for me, & the natural just seems to be very difficult.

I could burst into tears again & just wish this all away!
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It is very hard but there is risk with all ops with anaesthetic I've had 3 of these ops 1 was 22 yrsbago and I went on to have another 5 children no bother and I've had 2 in the last 2 yrs my body jst does not realise what's happened and won't let go of my pregnancy I still get strong symptoms I had a preg belly the lot I just couldn't handle it knowing my pregnancy was over yet I still felt very pregnant I couldn't take it I had to have control bk and my body and to be able to move on, some woman take weeks and week for there body to actualy realise what it has to do I just wasn't prepared to wait but only u can make that decision it's a horrible place to be I know that all to well big hugs xx

Firstly let me say I'm so sorry for your loss. It is such a shock to go for your scan which should be a happy experience only to discover that your darling baby hasn't made it. You need to do whatever you feel is right for you - go with your gut feeling.

If it helps you at all, here's what happened to me. I had a missed miscarriage that was discovered at my 11 wk scan, my angel had only made it to 8 weeks. They thought my body would've naturally m/c by that time so advised me that ERPC was the best option to avoid infection.

I was terrified of having an operation, I'd never been in hospital before. To be honest at the time I was in so much shock but very much like JoJo said above, I wanted to get some control back over the situation and get the inevitable over with as quickly as possible. I went in at 2pm in the afternoon and was home by the evening, it was very quick and I was not in pain.

I don't know whether this is true or not but my midwife said the procedure would make everything nice and clear inside and perfect for the 'next time'. I was terrified about going through the same thing again, but one month later I got another BFP straight away. When I had that second 11wk scan and they showed me a healthy baby I burst into tears with relief and didn't stop crying all day. It was a boy and he's now 15 :)

Hugs to you xxx
Hi hon,

Again, I am sorry for your loss, its the most heartbreaking thing ever. I have had 4 ERPC's and recently the doctor had a look inside my cervix and there was no scarring to be seen.

I found it the easiest thing to have done as JoJo and LP said it was easier to get my body back to normal. It is quick and relatively painless and you bleed for possibly a couple of days and that is it.

You will get your period again pretty quick and everything will be back to normal in no time. If left naturally, it can take weeks to all come away and it can be extremely painful.

I am sorry you are going through this and only you can make the decision but good luck and big hugs to you xxx

Firstly let me say I'm so sorry for your loss. It is such a shock to go for your scan which should be a happy experience only to discover that your darling baby hasn't made it. You need to do whatever you feel is right for you - go with your gut feeling.

If it helps you at all, here's what happened to me. I had a missed miscarriage that was discovered at my 11 wk scan, my angel had only made it to 8 weeks. They thought my body would've naturally m/c by that time so advised me that ERPC was the best option to avoid infection.

I was terrified of having an operation, I'd never been in hospital before. To be honest at the time I was in so much shock but very much like JoJo said above, I wanted to get some control back over the situation and get the inevitable over with as quickly as possible. I went in at 2pm in the afternoon and was home by the evening, it was very quick and I was not in pain.

I don't know whether this is true or not but my midwife said the procedure would make everything nice and clear inside and perfect for the 'next time'. I was terrified about going through the same thing again, but one month later I got another BFP straight away. When I had that second 11wk scan and they showed me a healthy baby I burst into tears with relief and didn't stop crying all day. It was a boy and he's now 15 :)

Hugs to you xxx
That is very true a gd clean out let's say is gd fr a new pregnancy and scaring these days on the uterus is quite rare they do these ops every single day my bleeding was very minimal the second time round like a day that was it it took longer to get over the emotional scares than anything else :-/ , my first erpc I bled for a few weeks on and off , take it easy and immsure u will make the right choice for you xxxx
Thanks - that's really helped for me to have the ERPC - I think its just fear also built in & the thought of removing my baby.

It just seems the better route, but I guess they have got to give you all the complications & warnings

Being able to start again quicker would be my perfect plan
After my failed medical managed I would never go that route again it's just not for me it was horrific, and like u I wanted it over with like yesterday the thought of carrying my dead baby realy wasn't nice at all and my body failed me a lot! I hope everything goes smoothly for u and ur bk to ttc ASAP x
I hope it goes well for you hon. After my mmc last March I decided to have an ERPC as I couldn't carry my dead baby around over the weekend, I wanted it over.

It was over so quick and I was back to "normal" within 3 weeks and had my next period so it doesn't take as long as with a natural.

Hugs xx
so sorry hun XX

I had a eprc in march 2010. my baby had died at 9 weeks, my body was at 12! I carried baby around for 4 days waiting for my ERPC and then it all kicked off naturally, but my body didn't seem to do it on my own, wouldn't stop contracting and bleeding, and ended up i hosp (a different one!) 4 hours before 7am when my eprc was due, and needed blood transfusions and lors of fluids , till it was safe to do EPRC at 8am..

I'm just saying that once it was done I felt great body wise,other than the very low iron, (which took me till week 39 of next pregnancy to correct) and out of limbo, and 26 days later there was my AF.
I didn't ovulate that cycle, but fell preg the next , so a good cleanout helped me and your nice and fertile after a mc too.

Wishing you well for whatever you do XX hugs XX

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