ERPC Yesterday


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2014
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Had an early scan on Thursday after a few issues. Should have been 10 weeks but was told growth stopped at 8 weeks. Such a strange feeling, I honestly feel as if I knew it was already over so it wasn't a shock but still the most horrible thing to hear.
Thursday night and Friday were pretty shitty, I would feel fine then have a massive cry out of nowhere.
Opted for ERPC as the best of 3 awful choices for me, there was no way I could cope with seeing everything coming to an end, just felt as if this choice gave closure much more quickly.
I was absolutely terrified yesterday morning, first real experience of hospital treatment and the idea of being put to sleep coupled with the reason I was there was just really awful. Thankfully it was all over before I knew it and so far I've had no pain at all and just a period type bleed.
Emotionally I feel as if I've been ok since it was done, I've had no tears since, just feel kind of low and really disappointed.
Very much hoping it won't be too long before I'm pregnant again, this pregnancy was a bit out of the blue, got a positive literally 2 weeks after we agreed to start trying. Feel as if the whole thing was a bit of a whirlwind!
I've read a lot on here from women who had successful second pregnancies after miscarriage so going to try and stay as positive as possible.
So sorry for your loss xxx
Hi, I'm so sorry for your loss. I recently had a mmc too and felt similar to how you do now. I knew something was wrong from the minute I got my BFP so I wasn't shocked either. I felt (& still do feel) as though I should have cried more, don't get me wrong I did a couple of days of nothing but on off crying but I always felt it was my hormones to blame! I'm a firm believer in whatever will be will be, so this just wasn't the right time. I hope you have plenty of support of and when you need it but it sounds like you are doing as well as possible!

Now, I'm just focused on ttc again so hopefully it won't be long for either of us! X
So sorry to read about your mc.
I had a mc back in nov and in jan I had my bfp. I am currently 31 weeks pregnant and baby looks well.
Just wanted to show you, that it is possible and I will keep my fingers crossed for you that you don't have to wait too long :)
Really sorry for your loss! Take care of yourself and you oh!
So sorry to hear of your loss, its an awful experience to have to go through. I found it best to try and focus on the future and staying positive. Your chances of a successful pregnancy next time are extremely high so try not to stress. There are so many stories of ladies having healthy pregnancies after mc so it will happen for us too!
Miscarriage is utterly heart breaking - take time to grieve and make sure you and your OH support each other. I had a MMC and ERPC in April 2012 and now have a beautiful 8 month old son - the waiting was really hard but it was so worth being patient! Sending you lots of hugs and sticky baby dust xxx.
I feel like I could have written your post. I'm really sorry for your loss and I can totally relate to everything you've said. We were going to start trying in the Oct but had a wee quickie go in the Jul before my hubby went away for a couple of months and got lucky first time. I lost it at 8 weeks and felt like I was in a total bubble. I also kind of knew that it wasn't working out and the whole thing just felt so surreal. I kind of mourned the pregnancy rather than the baby as my head hadn't got that far ahead if that makes sense. For me the only option was to try again and the year after my D&C I was back in the same ward having my little boy. It'll happen for you and you'll get the little baby you were always meant to have xx
Thank you everyone. It helps to hear from people who have been in the same situation.
I think everything has hit me today. I was weirdly ok over the weekend but today has been a struggle, I'm feeling really sad and crying very easily.
I know I just have to carry on and eventually things will be good again.
Im so sorry to hear about your loss. If you need to cry, just let the tears roll hun. I was depressed for a long time after i suffered my mc but things will get better, it'll take time but just get as much support from fam n friends xx

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