eptopic pregnancy

You must be devastated, I'm so sorry to read about this...you sound strong tho Hun, and remember there is always someone here to talk to if you need to offload :hug:
So sorry to hear this. If it isn't too painful to talk about may I ask how they found it was eptopic? Had you suspected something wasn't right?
So sorry to hear this. If it isn't too painful to talk about may I ask how they found it was eptopic? Had you suspected something wasn't right?

I found out i was pregnant last sunday but by the night time i had started to bleed, very lightly, this continued for about 2 days so i just thought it was implantation. But thursday night i started to lightly bleed again so i phoned the doctors on friday morning and he said to go to the epu if it hadnt stopped over the weekend.
Off we went to the epu monday morning, im still bleeding lightly. I had an internal scan and the doctor said there was nothing in my uterus but the scan showed the sac in my tube.

Have had further blood taken today and my hormone levels have gone slightly up again so i now have to go for more blood on sunday, followed by another internal scan on monday morning.

Wish i could see inside my own body to see what exactly is going on in there at the moment

I found out i was pregnant last sunday but by the night time i had started to bleed, very lightly, this continued for about 2 days so i just thought it was implantation. But thursday night i started to lightly bleed again so i phoned the doctors on friday morning and he said to go to the epu if it hadnt stopped over the weekend.
Off we went to the epu monday morning, im still bleeding lightly. I had an internal scan and the doctor said there was nothing in my uterus but the scan showed the sac in my tube.

Have had further blood taken today and my hormone levels have gone slightly up again so i now have to go for more blood on sunday, followed by another internal scan on monday morning.

Wish i could see inside my own body to see what exactly is going on in there at the moment


Oh I see, thank you for explaining Wiganlass- very best of luck and vibes (do you have vibes on this forum?) that everything will be okay for you x x x
I'm really sorry wiganlass :(

One of my friends didn't find out she had an ectoptic until her first scan at 12 weeks and as soon as they released she was rushed to surgery that same day and had to have an ovary removed.

Even then they told her that her chances of conceiving wouldn't be effected in any way and she's back to ttc, so even if the worst happens, you'll be fine :)

I'm sure it'll all be good news on Monday though :)
You poor poppet, I feel so awful for you that you are going through such a difficult and confusing time which is made even worse by not being told all the info you need.

Sending you huge hugs and strength to get through this xxx:hugs::hugs:
Thanks all you lovely ladies.

Just a quick update... Visited epu on monday morning and had another scan, part of me was hoping bean was where it should be but it wasnt to be. Scan showed it was firmly planted in my right tube, hadnt moved since last scan and judging by my blood tests was very slowly growing..theyd gone down but last two tests hormone levels had risen.

:cry:Cried my eyes out when consultant was explaining to me how the injection work to dissolve the pregnancy and probably scared everyone half to death when i went in the waiting room to collect my partner and our little boy.

Ive been to the hospital this morning for the medication i need, an injection in each bum cheek, they monitored my blood pressure and temp for about an hour and a half and then discharged me.

So now its a waiting game for everything to take affect, then back to hospital on saturday for further blood tests to see if my hormone levels have started to fall.
Doctor has just phoned and after i have had blood taken in the morning i have to ring the epu to see what happens next. Said surgery is only used in extreme circumstances ie. burst tube so looks like i will be giving the drug methotrexate to dissolve the pregnancy:sad:
Doctor wasnt too impressed with the epu tho as they had not informed me what would happen next..ive been very worried about rupturing. My head is all over the place at the moment xx

So sorry to hear your news. Are they taking regular bloods from you? The reason I ask is that I had suspected ectopic in April/May (mc in June). They took regular bloods and found that my hcg was steady/slowley rising for a while, then it started to decline until I miscarried naturally. It was a horrific time, so I really feel for you. I had asked for the drug just to get it over with asap, but there were serveral factors to take into consideration, especially if you are eager to fall pregnant asap. And obviously surgery is an option, but like you say, they only like to perform that if they really have to. :( Big big hugs. :hugs:
sorry, just seen that you had posted since the post that I replied to. xxx
Doctor has just phoned and after i have had blood taken in the morning i have to ring the epu to see what happens next. Said surgery is only used in extreme circumstances ie. burst tube so looks like i will be giving the drug methotrexate to dissolve the pregnancy:sad:
Doctor wasnt too impressed with the epu tho as they had not informed me what would happen next..ive been very worried about rupturing. My head is all over the place at the moment xx

So sorry to hear your news. Are they taking regular bloods from you? The reason I ask is that I had suspected ectopic in April/May (mc in June). They took regular bloods and found that my hcg was steady/slowley rising for a while, then it started to decline until I miscarried naturally. It was a horrific time, so I really feel for you. I had asked for the drug just to get it over with asap, but there were serveral factors to take into consideration, especially if you are eager to fall pregnant asap. And obviously surgery is an option, but like you say, they only like to perform that if they really have to. :( Big big hugs. :hugs:

Hiya from the 1st scan until yesterday ive had to have blood tests done every other day, my arms are sore now and my oldest keeps saying mummy is like a pin cushion :).
From second scan which i had done consultant said bean hadnt moved so she wasnt prepared to risk it growing any bigger and bursting my tube and thats why she said i had to have the injection to dissolve the pregnancy.. i think they would rather use this method if you are early into in the pregnancy and hopefully it wont disrupt your chances of concieving again the way surgery would xx
i know all you're thinking about is getting through this day by day, but please make sure at some point you check with then when it,s safe to try again. I was told if i had had the injection then it'd be in my system for 3months (i think, although may have been longer, i forget now) but due to being toxic, any pregnancy that may occur in this period would not have a good outcome. Xxx
i know all you're thinking about is getting through this day by day, but please make sure at some point you check with then when it,s safe to try again. I was told if i had had the injection then it'd be in my system for 3months (i think, although may have been longer, i forget now) but due to being toxic, any pregnancy that may occur in this period would not have a good outcome. Xxx

Yeah i know that hun but thanks anyways. its 3 months for 1st injections but if you need another lot then its 6 months xx
Sending you all the love and strength in the world, you are being so brave and dignified, I am in awe of you. Please make sure you take the time to stop being brave and let out the feelings that you need to. I hope someone is there for you, giving you lots and lots of hugs xxx

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