Epistotomy - Split? Not healing properly?

i had to get mine checked with millie as it was really tender after 4 weeks. I found out that the stitches hadn't dissolved properly and had to have them pulled out :x so much for dissolvable stitches :roll: I'd say get it checked just to be sure, you dont wanna get infection or anything xx :hug:
Mine came apart after my first as the stitches were too tight - had an awful time healing and was left with a very raw scarred area - definitely get a gp to check it out even if just for reassurance - on a positive note that was 6 years ago - I have had 2 babies since with no tears or stitches and although 'down there' doesnt feel like it used to it doesnt cause any problems or discomfort
I would just get them checked to be safe even though they are not hurting you!

Mine bust open and i needed antibiotics but that was after a week it was bloody painful!

Hope its all ok x
might she be stiched lop sided mine is still a bit sore now and then after 5 years worth getting checked out tho its easier to fix the freasher it is
Its still a bit early TBH if it was really bad. I had third degree tear and an episotomy and it took around 6-8weeks to heal. Mine was similar that when the stitches disolved I was left with an "opening" ( :shock: ) doc put my mind at rest and said when you have a really bad tear/ cut it will heal from the inside out if that makes sense. :D
get checked out, but by a gynaecologist, not a GP.

Mine got infected and gaped. Then healed but never went together properly. The GPs kept saying it would heal but I wasn't having it, so asked for a referral.

The gynaecologist said it had healed, but it had healed wth a gape. It will always look like that. It's like there's no edge to my vagina on one side. She checked out the whole area and said it's still perfectly functional (for sex and more babies!) but cosmetically will always look wierd.

She offered me the option of an operation to make it look normal, but warned me that I could end up with loss of sensation, etc.

So I've decided that I'll leave it and think about having it cosmetically fixed when I've had all the children I want.

But it was only after seeing the gynaecologist that I understood what had happened and was satisfied with the answers to all my questions.


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