Episiotomy question...


Mar 21, 2011
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Well I have my 6 week check on Friday. When delivering I had to get an episiotomy and I tore so I had to get the disolvable stitches. If there were any issues with it not healing properly would I feel sore? I feel totally fine down there but dreading this appointment. Has anyone had any issues with theirs?

Also, my immune system has been completely rubbish since having my baby, has anyone elses been like that? Any advice on how to get it back up and running?

I tore the other way so it hurt to go for a wee. Normally if there is a problem it would hurt/weep and or smell funny. With regards to immune system, plenty of fruit should help boot it a bit xx
I had lots of stiches which seemed to take ages to heal. I went for my six week at eight weeks and the Dr. didn't even mention it, neither did I. I've had enough people looking at my hoohaa over the past year. Everything seems OK.
Yeah I would rather not get checked down there but want to make sure everything is fine. Also worried about sex :s
You should know by 6 weeks if things werent healing as they should be, it is worth bearing in mind that it will take a lot longer for things to feel normal though. Things to look out for are soreness, weeping, a foul smell etc. You probablywontbe offered a check on your stitches so if you don't think its necessary then just don't mention it. Obviously if you think things aren't right then you shouldget yourself checkedx
When I had my 6 week check the dr just asked if all felt ok, didn't have to get inspected! If you feel fine I'm sure you are, youd know if there was something wrong :D
I felt fine down there after about 3-4 weeks. I was never checked down there either so like others say if you feel fine and don't think you need checking then don't mention anything x
Well I had my appointment and the Dr basically said what ur all saying and didnt need checked down there and im totally fine so happy happy :D
Thats good news. I didn't feel normal down there until very recently and LO is 15 weeks old. For the first 12 weeks i felt a bit of a weight when i stood up, probably because of blood rush i suppose. It takes a lot longer than the two weeks that they say.
I felt fine by 6 weeks even though my stitches tore 2 days after delivery and I lost 3! The only problem I have had is a bit of skin that hangs down from where the stitch tore through but I am getting that removed. My advice would be not to look down there though. I made the mistake of using a mirror to check the healing and thought I had a 'privates transplant'! Didn't look like me anymore and it made me feel terrible.

Well i do feel a little pressure down there but other than that I feel fine. I have never been brave enough to have a look but I think i will leave it that way :s

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