

Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2005
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Just out of interest how many of us had an epidural and what did you all think of it?
No time for one for me! Was prepared to have one (coz I'm a self confessed wimp) but left Beds hospital at 3cm and arrived at L&D hospital half hour later at 7cm :shock: told me it was too late.
I voted for 'Yes but I regret it'. It slowed things down, made baby turn into an awkward position for birth, and gave me a spinal headache. Plus because I couldn't move my legs i was stuck in the same position for 15 hours and couldn't give birth in the position I would have liked. Plus i had to have a catheter, a drip and a monitor the whole time. Looking back I think I could have handled the pain I feel a right wimp that I had it and really wish I hadn't... :(
It won't let me vote for some reason but I would say yes and that it worked for me. It helped me sleep as I was so exhausted and meant that I dilated to 91/2 cm and avoided a c section. Saying that I do regret that I had to have one as I wasn't able to feel enough to push her out and it only wore off when she was crowning. However it meant she arived safely so that is the main thing for me
I was already 9cm dilated when I arrived at the hospital so it was too late. I was planning on having one but am so glad I didn't.
I had a spinal block in theatre after the birth and I hated it. When/if I have another baby I won't be planning on having an epidural but each birth is different so who knows!! :D
When I arrived at hospital I was 9 cm dilated so could not have one. I was ready to have all kind of pain relief but could only have gas and air. Now with a few weeks behind me, I am glad I have done it without but am sure I would not have felt guilty if I had one at that time, everything welcome to ease the pain lol
I looooved it at the time, but I did develop a spinal headache afterwards. Worst thing I've ever experienced. :shock:
First labour I had one and loved it but this time I voted "no there was no time" as I went from 5 cm to 10 in 45 mins!!
yes i had one when i was 7cm dilated as the pain was horrid, so wen are u to late to get the epidural? i want to make sure i can get one this time lol...

to the ppl that have said they regret it????? whys that???
see my reply to this thread a bit further up, I am one who regrets it...
KIM... how dilated were u wen u had the epidural how many top ups did u have?

i had the epidural at 7cm and with in one hr Dior was born it speeded things up for me i just had a top up b4 i started to push
I had it at 3cm and had 2 top ups plus I had to have it taken out and redone cos it stopped working on one side, so a total of 3 top ups.
When I was 7cm and they wouldn't give me one, but I went from 3cm to Damien being born in 5 hours which is pretty quick for a first timer they said.
Soooo glad I didnt have one now - I managed on gas and air dispite it being intense with no break between contractions from start to finish.
i honestly can say labour is soooooooooooooooo painfull much worse then i ever expected how ppl do it with out epidural i dont no and to b honest im not usualy a wimp i love piercings and pain never bothers me but by the time i was 6cm i fort i was bloody dieing and dior was only 5lb lol i was told she was back to back and that can make it more painfull????????
i think back to back labour is supposed to me more painful!

i feel like i'm just going to take one hurdle at a time instead of worrying about the birth. :? can you describe what the pain was like at all dionne? most people i ask just say it was painful but they can't really explain what type of pain it was. ie if it was an aching pain or more of a sharp type of pain that they experienced.

i know you probably can't imagine the pain until you are in that position though.

I used to think i wanted an epidural but now i'm not sure. i think i'll have to see how i handle the pain first :roll:
I can't vote either :?

I had one with my daughter 13 years ago, and I wish I had asked for it earlier in the labour. I went into labour at 3.45am and contractions came thick and past from the very first one. I was hardly dilated so they gave me paracetamol!! :? They tried to send me home, but I was scared and begged them to keep me in, so they sent me to the ward. At about 5pm, they took me up to the delivery floor, and gave me pethadine. It was horrid. It just made me vomit and sleep, so at about 8pm I gave up and asked for an epidural. I felt that I had let everyone down by asking for one, but looking back on it, it is the best thing I did. I managed to get some good sleep. She wasn't born until 5.15 am the following day, and I know I would never have coped if I hadn't had the epi.

I'm confused though - they let my epidural wear off when I got to 10cm so I could push her out. They told me they had to as I wouldn't be able to feel properly or push. It took me 2 hours to push, and I ended up having to be cut anyway as I was so worn out and is so much pain, so surely it would have been better/quicker if they would have topped the epi up? Some of you have mentioned having the epi topped up at the end. Do they let you push with it topped up now??? I've already got it in my notes that I want one at the first sign of labour this time!!!! :D
I had an epidural with my first at 5cm and it was brilliant, so much more relaxed. Second time there wasn't time to put one in and the birth was a lot more stressful. Saying that, she was in the wrong position and i think if i had had an epidural i might have had a c-section cos i don't think i would of being able to push her out. So even though I was begging for one at the time, looking back i'm glad it didn't get done.
Mine had worn off when it came to pushing as I could feel pain but it may have been partially worn off I'm not sure. Towards the end they will top it up but with less anasthetic (sp) so it wears off quicker.
I had an epidural when i was 5cm as just couldnt stand the pain any longer and i was shattered!
My OH was brilliant up until that point...he saw the length of the needle and had to go outside for some air bless him!!!

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