
The only reason I had mine during my first labour was I was exhausted and because I was so worked up Aoibheann was worked up and the suggested one to get some rest so I could manage the pushing bit . I was pretty glad I didnt have one last time though as I felt the recovery was easier .
I was dead against it. Totally said no but when I'd been in labour from 4am the sunday morning to 3pm the monday afternoon I couldn't handle the pain any more :( i got stuck at 9cms !! then I musta had the top up about 7.10pm as Owen was born at 7.16pm!!

I didn't feel anything apart from a slight pain on one side but it wasn't too bad and it was topped up to take away the pain. The cathatar didn't bother me much, I had one which I emptied myself every few hours and didn't feel it when it was removed 24 hours later. I'm defo having an epidural with my next baby xx
It's good to read both positive and negative experiences.. The positive really seem to outnumber the negative..
I think I'll defo opt for one.. I'm gonna put it in my birth plan that I want to be told when the latest I can have one is.. I want to manage most of the labour myself it's just the final stage before pushing like 8-10cm is too much for me!!
I had an epi and will defffffo have one again - felt no pain, chilled out for hours, then at pushing time I pushed her out in less than half an hour so it doesn't stop you being able to push. I had to be told when to, at first, but by the end I knew when it was coming. Also no pain but I could (not very coordinatedly!) move my legs, and the catheter - didn't even know it was there! I also didn't need a bed bath - I gave birth late and night and lost a load of blood and I was still allowed to shower by myself the next morning. I know they're not for everyone but an absolute miracle in my eyes :D
I had an epidural because i'd been in labour for almost 24hrs with very strong contractions but I only dialated to 3cms! The epidural was absolute bliss and I couldn't feel anything but I knew when I was having a contraction because I could see my belly going hard!

But .... my epidural slowed my labour down even more! I had to have induction drugs to get them going again and they even had to double the dose at 1 point! Then my right leg went completely dead, I couldn't move it and my OH (who is very strong) couldn't even lift it! The epidural wore off in my left leg but I think it's because I had it for another 17ish hours before Jack was born, the leg contractions were awful!

It turned out Jack was back to back which was the reason for the strong contractions! He was eventually delivered by forceps because he kept crowning but slipping back in again and I was completely exhausted as i'd been in labour for 42hrs!!

Even though it slowed down my labour, if my contractions with baby no.2 are as bad as they were with Jack then i'm DEFFO having another!! Oh and the catheter is amazing, not having to worry about peeing is fantastic, and it doesn't hurt going in or coming out at all! x
Thanks ladies for your stories :) Ellie was back to back hence why I want an epi this time :lol:
O was back to back too and as others have said it was bliss once epidural was given and no idea why I was so scared to have it. My scared points I think were:

Not being able to move/ be in control
Having to def stay in hosp overnight

U know what? It was bliss and I still felt in control and could wiggle my feet etc . I ended up staying in hosp ne way and it was nice to be looked after. Catheter hurt going in but forgot I even had it in! Didn't even feel the needle. So all in all my fears never came true and im a definate convert :) x

That's great :D so glad u had a great experience with it, I hope I get the same!!
I had an epi and will defffffo have one again - felt no pain, chilled out for hours, then at pushing time I pushed her out in less than half an hour so it doesn't stop you being able to push. I had to be told when to, at first, but by the end I knew when it was coming. Also no pain but I could (not very coordinatedly!) move my legs, and the catheter - didn't even know it was there! I also didn't need a bed bath - I gave birth late and night and lost a load of blood and I was still allowed to shower by myself the next morning. I know they're not for everyone but an absolute miracle in my eyes :D

That all sounds good, hopefully it's good like that for meee lol:dance:
Just wanted to share.......

My friend wanted an epidural the minute she got to hospital (think she was aroun 4-5cm) but because all the anaesthetists were busy she couldn't have one straight away...........by the time someone came to see her she was 9cm and it was too late!!! She did it with pethidine and gas and air in the end. Luckily for her baby came about 4 or 5 hours after arriving at hospital..........

.........It might be worth saying u want one when u get to hospital rather than waiting? U could always change your mind if the aneasthetist comes and u feel u are doing ok?...................It's a difficult one to call, but I guess if u know u want one u don't want to miss out by asking later on and them being too busy?..........I don't know if this is that common tho xxx

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