Enough with the hunger! lol


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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So yet again I get the chance for a lie in and i'm up early eating because i'm sooooo hungry I can't sleep!! This has been my only symptom so for so i'm really greatful but I wish the hunger would kick in after my alarm clock goes off! lol

Anyone else got extreme hunger??

People keep telling me to 'graze' all day which is all well and good but because i'm a childminder the kids want to graze too and I can't let them or they don't eat their main meals lol. I think i'm going to have to start sneaking to the kitchen for food at this rate! lol

Bit of a pointless post but my OH is sleeping soundly and I needed a little whinge! lol

Yep I think you're going to have to sneak away into the kitchen too ;)
I'm quite hungry but not managing much. I'll be glad when I can eat a full meal lol.
Oh I can defo eat a full meal!! Then half hour later i'm ready for the next meal!:lol:

yeah, i went a couple of weeks where i really went off food and couldnt eat much at all but now im more than making up for it! All i ever think about is food and what im going to eat next!! x
I was the same Claire! Now I can eat less than half a meal but an hour later am hungry again :lol:
Glad i'm not the only one!! I should think my self lucky because apart from sore boobs the hunger is my only symptom but i'm not really a 'snacker'. I usually eat my 3 meals a day and thats it so constantly having to think about what to eat next is annoying me! lol That and the fact that I don't actually 'fancy' anything in particular! lol

I know the feeling!! I am ravenous!! But new problem...I am famished but feel sick. I am wanting something in particular to eat...but I don't know what is is. I am yearning after this thing and I don't know what. I thought it might have been lasagne but it wasn't quite right :(

Hey, i'm the same! When I found out at week 4-5 ish I went off my food for about 2 weeks. When I was hungry I did not know what I wanted to eat, nothing pleased me! Then I ate like mad for about 5 week ~ I swear I had hollow legs. The hunger has subsided now and i'm back to normal again.
The nurse told me to keep some plain biscuits by the bed so that if I woke during the night I could nibble without having to get up. Never tried it, just could not eat in bed!!
lol i've decided to take some biscuits up to bed with me tonight. Only because it's the weekend and i'd like a lie in tomorrow morning! I'll let you know if it works lol

I know the feeling!! I am ravenous!! But new problem...I am famished but feel sick. I am wanting something in particular to eat...but I don't know what is is. I am yearning after this thing and I don't know what. I thought it might have been lasagne but it wasn't quite right :(


I am the same!! I would usually be ok with my 3 meals a day but now i start to feel sick so i have to eat to get rid of the feeling. Although i can never know what i want!! It is such a strange symptom! Lol.. *running off to kitchen for snack!!*

Yes I am not on extreme hunger - for the last 4 weeks I've struggled to eat and now I eat my main meal and then half and hour later I could eat a horse!!! My hubby thinks its funny but if I don't eat then I feel sick and if I do eat I feel sick!! Never mind, hoping that this bit passes soon :) Xx
Lol im the same, had lunch at half 12.. just had a bowl of coco pops then ill make dinner about half 5 lol ... oops
i dnt like the thought off food at the mo makes me feel sick but i gota eat havnt i :/
I haven't been too bad for the past few days! The hunger seems to be getting a bit better. Now i've started peeing loads instead! lol

my fella made me a lush sunday dinner today :) i could eat it again now!! x

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