Enough , not enough , too much?!!

rainbow dancer

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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Lucy is 6 months old and was after some advice to see if I'm feeding her too much too little etc!! This is typically what she has
0400 formula 210mls but often not all of it
0800210 mls bottle but some milk used for 3/4 weetabix
1100 210 mls milk
1230 ish finger food breadsticks etc fruit pot but only few spoons
1430 210 mls milk
1700 homemade dinner meat veg etc and if room fruit
1900 240 mls milk

She has water at meals too . Although she has 210 ml bottles she doesn't always finish them.

She is a big girl 23 lb at last weigh in! Does that sound ok or not? Thanks in advance xx
My boys are on 3 x 8oz bottles a day 8am, 2.30ish and bedtime but are drinking less and less of the afternoon bottle so have dropped it to 6oz and then I think I will try and faze it out. Does your wee one drink much of the 11am bottle? We dropped that one with the boys when they got their lunch as you really weren't interested and left over half most the time.

Every baby is different though so if she's draining the bottles I would keep them :)
thanks hun. some days she has the whole 11am bottle some days she only has half, so is very difficult to judge. do you think i ought to give her more water and less milk? i know they say babies will only take what they need but she is a greedy girl lol!! xx
I see what you mean, I would just carry on as you are then it will probably all change soon as her appetite increases for food. One of my boys is a very big boy but funnily enough only greedy for milk but he's taking less within the last couple of weeks as he's eating more at mealtimes.
Kieron is 6 1/2 months and has:
7.30 am 8oz with baby porridge
12noon meal & pudding & rice cake
2pm 8oz bottle
5pm meal & pudding & finger food
7pm 8oz bottle
thanks emma so looking at it she is having bout 2 extra bottles compared with kieron but she doesnt have puddings always as she seems to give up interest after main!! think i will keep going and maybe she will naturally drop her milk!! xx
I know Lizzie is 8 months but she is nowhere near the 23lb mark yet! She's on the same as Lucy pretty much but without the bottle first thing - she has breakfast as soon as she's up. She often doesn't finish her bottles either - some days she'll haave a full 7 oz, some days it's only 2!
Thanks hun, will see how it all goes difficult this feeding lark lol much easier when was just milk!! Xxx
Dylan is 5 months avd and has 3 8oz bottles small breakfast lunch and dinner as only just started weaning

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well today i tried to drop the 11 am feed and lucy was brill not hungry just gave her water and she happily ate all of her lunch so think this is the way ahead!!, i also increased her bottle tonight by another oz (cannot fit any more in the bottle!!). she seems happy enough i think perhaps she was drinking the milk as she was more thirsty than hungry. will see how it goes over the next few days, dont wanna withdraw it if she needs it xxx
That's great hun-ive got to know kierons hungry cry so if he's hungry at say 11:30 il give him dinner. I think
3 bottles a day is just enough for the age of our babies and can't see me dropping anymore in the forseeable future xxx
thanks emma, does kieran wake for a bottle at night? lucy still wakes for a night feed, which is fine just wondered really. she didnt wake any earlier this morning so think dropping that 11am feed was fine. id rather she has one at 11am though than 4 am but doesnt m,atter what i do she still wakes for a feed lol!!, im back to work next month so will just be a wee bit tired lol. amazing that they are 6 months old, cannot beleive where the time has gone xxx
No he doesn't,although he occasionally wakes at night I just give him his dummy and he goes back off.
Will she not settle without the bottle during the night?
I can honestly say that Kieron is now the most settled of my babies although he was the latest for sleeping through. I have a perfected routine which hopefully will help the childminder in September when he starts there 2 days a week.
His usual day is:
7am: wake up
7:30-8am:breakfast n bottle
9:30: nap (20 mins ish)
12: dinner
2: bottle followed by 1hr nap
5: tea
7: bottle and bed
Wow that's brill Lucy kinda has a routine but for example we have just come back from playgroup and she is so tired she just wants to sleep but only wants a bottle !! She just uses it to go to sleep!! She may only sleep for wee while so will try her with some lunch later xx

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