engorgement solutions?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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im gonna leave melissa for the nite soon while i hav a nite out. i did a trial run last nite and it was a success, altho i woke at 5.30am with very very uncomfortable engorged boobs.

how can i relieve them when theres no baby to nurse and i dont hav a breast-pump? (its not worth buying one now shes 6 months and being weaned onto solids and formula)

can you express by hand?

I could never do that, but many women can. Maybe try that?

Have a hot bath before you go out... and express out by hand a load of milk so your breasts are reasonable empty... that way it shouldn't be too bad the next day...

I had a hand breast pump and would pump off excess feeds and freeze them for when I wasn't around so I could give them to Tia's carers instead of formula.
Squiglet said:
I had a hand breast pump and would pump off excess feeds and freeze them for when I wasn't around so I could give them to Tia's carers instead of formula.

That's what I do.

If you get in 2am try expressing a bit to relieve the pressure before you sleep, and if it's full of booze chuck it but if it's ok milk then freeze it for a future time :)
thanx guys. ill try to express when i start to look like lola ferrari. wish me luck!
i had this problem, i just had to grin and bear it as when i hand expressed it would fill up very quickly evan worse :( or you could try anti-inflammatorys they helped a bit

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