Endometriosis pain in early pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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At the beginning of this month i was told that i "might" have Endometriosis due to miscarriages, heavy periods, dysperunia, aches and pains in bottom and abdominal area.
I have been fine for the past 7 weeks but this morning i have woke up with horrible lower back pain and shooting pains in my bum. (sorry tmi)
I think it is to do with my Endometriosis but not sure as i do not know what stage i am, and my doctor does not want me to see my midwife until 12 weeks, so i have had to pay for a private midwife and i am waiting on her prices to see if i can afford her.
I just wanted to know if any of you ladies have this, and what did you do to ease the pain during pregnancy? xxx

Thank you :) x
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Gosh I'm sorry I dont know. I get a lot of abdominal pain but i'm just crossing my fingers that it's normal. Cant you ring the NHS midwives direct and ask if you can see them earlier because of the pain? I was assertive and got an appointment at 10 weeks even though my doctor said i had to wait until 12.
Hiya I just read about the Tommy's helpline where you can speak to a midwife. Maybe try calling them. Try not to worry - it's only a 'may have' at this point. Also the shooting pains in the bum is constipation! Try to attribute your symptoms to other possibilities if that helps. When I've googled something and decided I've def got a terminal illness :)rolleyes:) I start unlinking all my symptoms and seeing what they all might be individually xxx
Thanks Girls.
Yeah i might ring up a helpline and see what they suggest. My doctor is a royal pain in the bum and had alot of trouble trying to get an appointment to see him lately. I am thinking of changing my doctor tbh someone that can take me seriously lol.
Hiya, I'm new here - reading this I had to reply! I was diagnosed officially with Endometriosis last year and, to be honest, GP's aren't the most reliable sources of information! I had to fight all the way to get referred and finally got a laparoscopy to diagnose it - 6 years after the symptoms started! So my advice would be ask for second opinions, tell them Endo or not, your pregnancy should be treated in exactly the same way, i.e. midwife booking appt at 10 weeks!

Just to reassure you, I also got my familiar Endo pains early in pregnancy - before I knew I was pregnant even- I was convinced my period was coming which is why I took so long to take a test! Generally, Endo pain is supposed to only be there during periods, however sharp shooting pains at any time can be due to adhesions and cysts which are there all month long so can explain why you may get pain when pregnant or between periods.

The most annoying thing is they can only diagnose Endo surgically and they won't do that til after your baby arrives - but supposedly having a baby can help / cure Endo which is what I'm hoping for! Google Endometriosis forums, there are some really helpful ones out there.

Good luck with your pregnancy and hopefully it will sort out your possible Endo!

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Hey, I was diagnosed with Endometriosis in my late teens. I too have been having the pains during pregnancy but actually they are getting better. I have always been told by my consultant that I'd struggle to get pregnant, but if I did, it would most likely cure it for me...so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!! I hope you find out what is causing your pains...it might not be endometriosis, maybe bad stretching pains? I think it's outrageous that they won't let you see a midwife yet!!! Hope you feel better soon sweet.


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