Endless miscarriage - please help :(


Sep 29, 2017
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I was wondering whether anybody has had a similar experience to me, as I seem to be having an endless miscarriage and my anxiety at the moment is debilitating.

Back in mid-August at my 12-week scan I found out that my baby had died at about 8 or 9 weeks. I took misoprostol, which only partially worked. Some of the tissue that came out got stuck, and they had to pull it out with forceps. I took misoprostol again a couple of weeks later, and it didn't work at all. In mid-September I had an MVA to get rid of the retained tissue. I had a scan and was given the all clear after the MVA, but 4 days later on 17th September I passed another 3cm piece of tissue (not a blood clot)! Nearly all of the pregnancy tissue has been analysed and no signs of any molar tissue are evident, at least.

I've only just started having my HCG levels monitored unfortunately, and they were at 18 on both the 18th and 21st September. I was terrified that the plateau meant there was something wrong. I stopped bleeding completely on 22nd September (there was only a tiny amount of spotting before) and when I had my blood tested again on 27th September my HCG had come down to 11.

I'm glad that there is a drop (even though it's a bit slow) but I'm still so scared that I'll plateau again (or rise!!) or that I have more retained tissue or that it'll take months for my normal cycle to resume. I'm having more bloods taken on 2nd October, and maybe a scan based on the results.

Has anybody been through anything like this? Any responses would be so appreciated.
Sorry to hear about your loss. I havent been through anything similar but didnt want to read and fun! I did have mmc and found out at a 10 week private scan 2 weeks ago today and found out baby stopped growing at 8 weeks. I had mva a week ltr. Still bleeding and not sure if hcg dropping as hospital wont check as my first mc. Took two different hpts today. One was negative and the other has a faint line so im confused. I guess the reason why im sharing this is that our bodies are all so different. It might be yours will take a bit longer to get back to normal. If your hcg is dropping thats a good sign though so stay positive. Ive read positive stories about increased fertility following a mc so fingers crossed it will happen for you soon. Ive also read cycles usually get back to normal after 3 or 4 weeks once bleeding settles and hcg is zero. Hopefully one of the other ladies might be able to provide you with some reassurance x
Hi sorry for your loss. I had a miscarriage years ago (complete accidental pregnancy) lost at around 6 weeks. Recently had another at 6 weeks. HCG took weeks to fall. I never bled properly till when AF came. Was horrid. Was told this just happens sometimes.

Have they given you any advice at all? dh was annoyed that everyone just shrugged at my circumstances
Hi sorry for your loss. I had a miscarriage years ago (complete accidental pregnancy) lost at around 6 weeks. Recently had another at 6 weeks. HCG took weeks to fall. I never bled properly till when AF came. Was horrid. Was told this just happens sometimes.

Have they given you any advice at all? dh was annoyed that everyone just shrugged at my circumstances

Thanks Pinkz - sorry to hear you've gone through something similar, though it is good to hear that you've come through the other side! Once the last bit of tissue came out, how long until your HCG reached 0?
Wow it was ages yknow. Started bleeding 14th July. Had weekly then fortnightly (probably because they were sick of me) last bloods were 26th Aug I think and I don't think it was quite 0... but it was low enough to let me go on my way. Low enough not to be positive on the 10ml tests too.

They said you need 20 days without bleeding before you can class it as AF. But I saw my GP about something else and she agreed with me that I had got AF about a week before the last appointment. I was hormonal. Spotty. Bleeding heavily and lots of little clots. It just felt like AF. The hospital were a bit reluctant to say it was but I did ov tests after bleeding stopped and I ovulated right time for it to have been AF and also next AF came as predicted.

What I will say though. We were TTC on the next cycle. It didn't happen and I was devastated. Then when AF came I think it confirmed WHY it hadn't happened. As it was still very clotty and tissuey. So just don't panic if it doesn't happen straight away.

With my first I never had any of this. It just went. 1 day heavy bleeding then maybe a week light and that was that. Insane isn't it? I think maybe because I wanted this baby so much my body tried for me.

Anyway best of luck. It's just awful how many people I've spoken to going through similar. It really helped me but at the same time makes me so sad
Wow it was ages yknow. Started bleeding 14th July. Had weekly then fortnightly (probably because they were sick of me) last bloods were 26th Aug I think and I don't think it was quite 0... but it was low enough to let me go on my way. Low enough not to be positive on the 10ml tests too.

They said you need 20 days without bleeding before you can class it as AF. But I saw my GP about something else and she agreed with me that I had got AF about a week before the last appointment. I was hormonal. Spotty. Bleeding heavily and lots of little clots. It just felt like AF. The hospital were a bit reluctant to say it was but I did ov tests after bleeding stopped and I ovulated right time for it to have been AF and also next AF came as predicted.

What I will say though. We were TTC on the next cycle. It didn't happen and I was devastated. Then when AF came I think it confirmed WHY it hadn't happened. As it was still very clotty and tissuey. So just don't panic if it doesn't happen straight away.

With my first I never had any of this. It just went. 1 day heavy bleeding then maybe a week light and that was that. Insane isn't it? I think maybe because I wanted this baby so much my body tried for me.

Anyway best of luck. It's just awful how many people I've spoken to going through similar. It really helped me but at the same time makes me so sad

The weird thing is, I got some very light pink spotting today after over a week of no bleeding at all. I'm sure it can't be my period or ovulation bleeding because my HCG isn't at 0 yet. I'm still getting very faint positives on the First Response tests, so I'm guessing it's between 7 and 11. Don't know what this means :(
I had spotting on and off for weeks before the big bleed... they told me it's because your body is trying to get rid of stuff. Till you are 0 you can just bleed whenever. It's such an inconvenience wearing pads 24/7 and constantly checking because the paranoia that you're pouring of blood is upon you lol... luckily it was a Sunday when I started properly bleeding and I was on holiday from work that week
I've just had excellent news again that my HCG has now dropped to 8! Getting there :) I was so scared all today that it had plateaued or gone up again. I've been obsessively taking First Response tests every day and the test this morning was for some reason really dark after they've been getting gradually lighter for days so I went into an utter panic! I guess at such low levels the colour of the test line really isn't very reliable.
Brilliant! You will be back to normal soon I'm sure. It was such a relief for me

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