End of Breastfeeding :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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That is it , I am officially not breastfeeding anymore :( I got Thomas used to formula to go to nursery and gradually replaced a b/f with a bottle. The last 2 weeks, he started to bite my nipples so hard that they would be flat and very painful!!!! So I gave up totally last saturday and I kind of miss it !!! I am sometimes tempted because my boops are still full of milk but it hurts now with the biting lol I also had some shooting pains in the breasts and it has been going on for a while so maybe that will stop them too.

Thomas has taken this well as usually he would refuse a bottle at night, wanting only the boob but I put him into bed and he falls asleep on his own.
but the positive side of it is i can start a diet now!!!
You did so well hun, massive pat on the back

Seren has started to bite down on me, has done it twice :shock: :shock:
am hoping it doesn't become a habit.
Well Thomas used to bite it and then pull it!!! :shock: then he would look at me and give me his cheeky smile lol

He is happy with his bottles but i have to tell you it is a right pain to prepare for the day. I have to do 2 lots of sterelising, which takes a while between washing everything, waiting for sterelising to complete, then waiting for it to cool down, then drying up the tiny bits ( i use some milk containers you can put inside the bottle so need to be sterelised and they are small bits to dry and i hate small bits :shakehead: ) and then down to the second lot!!! At least with breastfeeding all that was required was me lift my t-shirt :)

But i have to say though that since I have fed thomas with bottles, his growth spurts were hardly noticeable, which was not the case with b/f.

Glad to know you are still keeping at it, does Seren ask regularly ?
Well done you, i know how you feel as ewan started biting and that was without teeth and that made my eyes water!! i have reduced his feeding now to am and pm, and am now reducing to just a morning feed, he has bitten me a couple times more and left teeth :shock: marks in my boob!! :cry:
I felt quite sad when i decided to stop feeding him during the day, but we have a little of our time in the morning. just so faffy having to do the bottles, clean etc!!
No she will go a good couple of hours at the moment, its just when she's tired that she turns into a bit of a booby monster (and at 1am). Lol at the just lifting t-shirt comment, that's what I love the most as I am too lazy and disorganised to sterilise.

The cheeky smile thing is also ringing true here, she likes to pull and then smile at me, then go back on. She will do it 4 or 5 times, and I say no even though I want to smile back as she is too cute. She is also getting distracted and will come off to have a good look around, so you can imagine how much fun that is when we are out in a busy cafe.
lol I have been lucky with Thomas at night as he has slept through for a while now ( please make this not ruin everything :pray: , sorry feeling a bit superstitious there :wink: ) After nursery he is so tired he can sleep from 7 pm till 7 am without interruption. Otherwise he will wake up before 11.30 pm and then will sleep until the morning. he does wake up sometimes in the night but i just ignore him if he is not crying and will fall bak to sleep after a few minutes. Bless him, he is in his bed all dressed up, he fell asleep before getting him ready for bed and i do not want to disturb him so hopefully he will wake up for a feed as he only had 23 ounces today. formula did not help with his sleeping as he was sleeping through when i was breastfeeding.

He will still asks every 2 to 3 hours, sometimes even an hour after his last feed. he is more regular though since on the bottle and that did help with my mood. I felt less pressured and that made me feel happier. so what i do to keep the closenes is i will feed him very close to me as if i was b/f him and kiss him!!!

It is amazing how much you can love them!!! He was a difficult baby at first but now he is just the perfevt baby :) I 'll stop here, am getting soppy lol
Sorry cannot type properly but have a new pc and have to get use to it lol
futuremum said:
he is more regular though since on the bottle and that did help with my mood. I felt less pressured and that made me feel happier. so what i do to keep the closenes is i will feed him very close to me as if i was b/f him and kiss him!!!

Thats great to hear, am pleased everyhting is working out for you.

It is amazing how much you can love them!!! He was a difficult baby at first but now he is just the perfevt baby :) I 'll stop here, am getting soppy lol

I know how you feel, I am feeling a lot more connected to Seren now, see we got there in the end :wink:
Yes we did!!! I did not beleive people when they told me things would get better but it does!!!! I just wish he could stop growing now and stays at 4 months for ever as he is so cute lol I am sure i will change my mind about being cute at the firsts tantrums :wink: lol
lol, I'm going to be that mum in the vics advert, where she throws a tantrum in the supermarket aisle. Everyone keeps saying that to me, don't know what they are implying :D
Biting hurts! Even if they haven't got teeth! Ella brought tears to my eyes once, I had to hand her over to Matt and check my boob for blood it hurt that much!

Beanie - Ella is the same with the smiles! It's annoyingly cute :lol:
Futuremum... well done! You did really fantastic!! :D :D
Hugs to you and Thomas.
Emilia xx

well you did a very good job alot of ladies cant do it for a few days even, everyone is different and your both are very happy and healthy. :clap:
Gee seems like all your babies who are around 4 months are doing a bit of biting :? not looking forward to that sounds a bit scary lol.
My friend's baby used to bite her for a few weeks and then stopped doing this, so do not worry too much Katrina, it might not even happen to you :fib:

I stopped before Thomas has any teeth, I imagine how much painful it would have been otherwise!!!

Does oscar bite Emilia? does he use his two little front teeth? :wink:

Well I am proud of Thomas today, 33 ounces and there is one feed left before 11 pm :dance: We are getting there :D :D :D !!!!
Does oscar bite Emilia? does he use his two little front teeth?

Please say no, please say no, please say no....(not looking forward to Ella getting teeth!)

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