End of an era... and Bump buddy??


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2011
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Hi girlies!

I've been so busy lately, and so much seems to have happened!

Had my 34 week appt last weekend and all was well with baby - head down, measuring just right (which was a relief as baby was measuring small before!)
We also has our 1st antenatal class, which was really good! We got to have a go on the gas & air (spacey stuff!) and a tens machine, and learnt about all the different labour positions and breathing techniques. Really enjoyed it! Got my next one on Friday, so looking forward to that!

Also, its the end of an era for me, as I had my last university exam yesterday! As long as I pass, that will be it! Feels very strange (and grown up) not being a student anymore! Feels nice that I can wholly concentrate on baby now, but can't wait for results on 15th June :)

Aaannd, in addition to all of this, I've been thinking I don't have a bump buddy, and would rather like one :p Anyone up for it? Im due on 7th July!

Hope all you new mummies and mummies-to-be are doing well!

I will if you want? I was going to ask someone to be my bump buddy as I still don't have one, I'm due 11th July, so hopefully we won't be in at the same time, never know though! :)

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Oh and well done on finishing your exams! :)

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
Congrats on finishing your exams x

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
Well done hun that must be a big relief for you!! You can concentrate on getting ready for your little arrival now!
Well I'm due before u on 20th June so should have had little one before u have urs so I'll be ur buddy if u want. If u do then pm me yr number honey. Xxxxx
Just spotted your pm and have replied! Sorry, didn't even notice as I'm using this from my phone! :)

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
No worries! Just replied myself lol

Thanks everyone :)
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congrats on finishing exams hun!

fingers crossed for results!!


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